I didn't see My Bieber cover on there wtf?!clearly it's me. Or 5 On It. Maybe I need to glasses in 22. #Blind. That's probably what it is.. I'm not seeing clearly,
Then I saw the JT cover. Nice save.
..we need to continue supporting and encouraging great content here.
Hey brother!! Bieber? Whaaat? OOOh you mean Love Yourself?
Was it a request from you? I think you're the person that requested the most songs, which I tried to fulfill every time haha, except the last JT you asked, I forgot the name.
Also you're blind because you didn't count Spirit In The Sky!!
Blind? Homie I don't even have to see the song title, as soon as I see that cover I know what song it is. "Gonna go to the place that's the best."
Requested the most? Is that all? Portraits.. my profile page.. Neo.. Aimee. (I edited this section)
Happy new year, Ed. Dude you gotta see this handle. L mutha O faka L.
INcredible you even remembered!!!
This muthafucka is a legend!
I thought I only had 2. I was showing my signed Elway to Rubido and it seems I have 4.
Happy New Year!!!