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RE: Song Request - E01S03 - Such A Shame - Talk Talk

in Music4 years ago

@thebigsweed, you'll have to excuse @edprivat, he's been hangin out with me—my fault. That was his long winded way of saying:

All that matters is perfection, error free, and my best effort. The closer I am to error free, the closer I am to believing my content is blockchain worthy and public ready. I deserve, receive, and appreciate recognition accordingly.'


What he said 😆

Perfection is not easy to come buy. Many times, right after pushing the publish button, I read the post and say I should have done this or that and I'll immediately hit the edit button and change a thing or two.
There aren't too many things that I do that I feel I can't improve on, and I'm always willing to try something new if I feel that it will produce a more perfect end result. Striving for perfection should always be your goal, and once you feel that you are there, that's when the creative juices stop flowing and learning ceases.
I know that we have all run into people that think that everything they do is the way it should be done and they are flawless. I have a very hard time even being around a person who thinks their s--t doesn't stink.
These people are easy to recognize as one of their arms is always a lot longer than the other.
This happens from them always patting themselves on the back.

How is the weather in Knoxville?
I've got a funny feeling that it's a little warmer here.
Just a quick jab before we return to the tundra. 😁

Wipe your ass with that picture!

Really helps me appreciate my own opinions dude when someone older and wiser has the same opinion. And because I'm well aware only one person was and will ever be perfect, I should be a lot easier on myself when I make mistakes. If you got a good trick to make accepting errors easier, I'm all eyes.

I know that we have all run into people that think that everything they do is the way it should be done and they are flawless.

I couldn't leave that one alone. As you know, my grandfather was the man in my life, I learned from him originally and then variations along the way but tell me if you've heard this:

He/she who talks the most, learns the least

Next up: I've got a great trick with accepting errors easier. Ready, try proof reading with your eyes closed.

fish flippen time

I'll have to get back to this one, especially He/she who talks the most, learns the least.

Side busting latest post, I'm not sure how I didn't see it earlier, but I'm happy I did miss its launch.
About an hour ago while I was chillen, Robin read it aloud, and it was awesome enjoying your comedy routine in harmony. Laughing together just put the cherry to the top of this DOUBLE FUDGE, WALNUTS RIDDEN, MAPLE SYRUP DRIPPEN, EXTRA WHIPCREAM KITCHEN SIZED INECREAM SUNDAY.

I just got the orders from the boss, please light the grill will you my luv.
Now how can I deny such a lovely request.
The real deal is I'm freaking very hungry.

I'll being getting back to you again shortly'
Now that's 2 get backs. Shit I'm still as sharp as a tack, remembering that I already owed you a get back.

I can still taste the fudge. I might have too much whipped cream in the bite to fully enjoy the fudge but dang. I tasted that.

I was just responding to Robin how one of the coolest things is the time she read you a comedy piece of mine out loud. And now she did it again. I don't know if you realize how cool that compliment is—it is. Sweet! I got four Sweed responses right now.

See you on the next one.

Duty called and since I'm the grill master, shunning my duties just ain't my style.
Not bad ha!
Sharing your post together, our laughter was contagious and it took several breaks for us to compose ourselves before we were able to continue on.

I never woulda thought a virtual conversation like this is just as invigorating as anything else to wake up to but it is.

Thanks, @thebigsweed. How much longer I gotta despise these Florida sun posts?

Not too much longer as we will be heading home on Monday morning.
It should make you feel better, when the next series of pics come from the farm with temps below freezing and snow on the ground.
At that point I would expect you to be sending me some news about the fabulous weather in Knoxville, but until then you'll be seeing as many of these as my RC power will allow.


To begin with, if I were to do what you suggest I do with the beautiful picture that shows you how perfect the weather has been SINCE we ARRIVED, kind of like Cali weather, we would have a hard time navigating the screen.

Time to check the fish!

If I wasn't a virgin downvoter I'd smash the downvote button on this one!

Now wait a minute, you're taking this the wrong way, in no way was I trying to rub anything in, like the beautiful blue skies, warm temps. crystal clear water, and feet in the sand.
Now, you really don't want to start a downvote war. 🌞😁

I know it's around here somewhere, don't you make me make you my first!

I had to arrange that make you, make me, make something part several times!

don't you make me make you my first.
That's ok. I had to read that line a couple of times to get the rhythm down.

Your grandfather taught you one of the most important lessons that you can learn in life.
Most folks never truly master the art of listening, it takes a lot of practice.
The nice part of listening is that you can always walk away.
It's tough walking away from yourself though, as your mind gets ready to reel of the next gem you think everyone wants to hear.

I liked it so much that I replied to him that this one I would scribe into wood.
Well, I never wrote it down and needless to say I forgot exactly what the phrase said.
Bingo, there you go again, helping out a brother.I've only heard this recently. I was reading a post @papilloncharity and towards the end of his post this phrase was included.

I'm definitely an older dude but I'm pretty sure not wiser. I say we call it a tie.

I've been proof reading with my eyes closed. Great tip! I've been doing it the hard way this whole time.

What kinda fish are you flippin anyway? And if something was said that was captivating, I'm not surprised it came from Papilion. That's one heck of a charity they got goin.

don't you make me make you my first!

Homie is rapping

M-m-make make-m-make make you my fir-fir-fir-fir-fir

Wikky! Wikky!

Salmon from the local fish market.

It's easy to admire a dude like this, and his devotion makes we wonder why I'm not doing more for those in need.
I do get involved with some organizations that I believe in, but I know that I can do more. @papilloncharity what a great foundation they run and Zac Smith seems to be right at the head of so much of what they do.