cover song while playing guitar with my son ( Original content )

in Music3 years ago

hello hive friends how are you all today are you all okay? I'm early to provide a few songs for friends, all in Acehnese.

This song is very popular among the people of Aceh, Indonesia and this song is a song that is currently trending in our area.

I hope that with my sharing here with hive friends, they can all enjoy it. Come on, let's all listen together.
enjoy it enjoooy

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ntong teusimpan di dalam hate
Mantong teu-uke syae cinta
Keu gata sayang
Gata boh hate
Gata yang sabe lon puja
Mantong teusimpan di dalam hate
Mantong teu-uke syae cinta
Keu gata sayang
Gata boh hate
Gata yang sabe lon puja
Lon rindu lon rindu
Hate sabe meurindu
Bungong meulu
Gata sabe lon damba
Lon rindu lon rindu
Hate sabe meurindu
Lon yakin troh masa
Bak ulon tagisa
Mantong teusimpan di dalam hate
Keunangan yang sabe lon jaga
Keu gata sayang
Gata boh hate
Gata yang sabe lon puja
Lon rindu lon rindu
Kanda Sabe lon rindu
Lagu syahdu
Jeut keu peunawa lara
Lon rindu lon rindu
Hate sabe meurindu
Bungong meulu
Gata sabe lon damba
Lon rindu lon rindu
Hate sabe meurindu
Lon yakin troh masa
Bak ulon tagisa
Lon yakin troh masa
Bak ulon tagisa