Cover instrumental de "Here without you" [ESP - ENG]

in Musiclast year

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Esta tarde me fui al patio trasero de mi casa para intentar tocar una cancion que me gusta, hace años que no la tocaba y tuve que ver un tutorial rapido para recordarla.

Debido a que estoy mus fuera de practica sentia que se cansaba mi ante brazo, no recordaba que los acordes de cejilla cansaban al guitarrista. La interpretacion no pude realizarla como me hubiera gustado porque tuve algunos errores y necesito mas practica, la proxima vez sera mejor.

This afternoon I went to the backyard of my house to try to play a song that I I like it, I haven't played it in years and I had to watch a quick tutorial to remember it.

Because I'm so out of practice I felt like my arm was getting tired, I didn't remember that barre chords tired the guitarist. Interpretation I couldn't do it as I would have liked because I had some mistakes and I need More practice, next time will be better.

Song:" Here without you - 3 Doors Down"

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You jave got a great skill with the guitar bro. Such a melodious move from you. I love this bro. Kudos

thanks a lot, i have to practicase this song more :D

Que genial tocas bro, fue bueno escucharte. Saludos. 🙋🏽‍♂️

Muchas gracias hermano, en lo personal estoy algo oxidado. La guitarra siempre será uno de mis instrumentos preferidos