Some cool shares you've done here. Need to find a way to get to the movie. I was surprised to see the movie plays in much older times than the 70s, or at least that is what I think.
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Some cool shares you've done here. Need to find a way to get to the movie. I was surprised to see the movie plays in much older times than the 70s, or at least that is what I think.
Yes, the film is worth watching, though not convinced that it will be close and understandable to you, foreign viewers, there are too many nuances associated with our history and our mentality ... For example, having watched it for the first time in my childhood, I did not understand it ... And only with age, I began to review it almost every year ... You need to search in your torrent trackers, I don't know how it all works in the West)) Thank you for recalling))
I'll have to do some digging. Not sure if I like to use torrent. Newsgroups may have it. Or hidden somewhere at YT :) I think I got it:
There will be time, we will also talk about Dutch cinema, I adore Verhoeven ... And one of the favorite children's books - "Kees -Admiral of Tulips", about the siege of Leiden by the Spaniards, I will make a post somehow until I find a profile community Well, "The Legend of Thiel" is a reference book, I know by heart
Owww cool, you are familiar with some of the stuff coming from my tiny country 🙃 Wondering: You may know more than I {LOL} Obviously I watched quite a few Dutch movies, but still, you seem to know your way around as well 🙃 Didn't know about the movie Kees Admiral of Tulips... Listening an interview from 2013 in which they state: This story is written by a Russian writer. This shows again how close connected Russia and the Netherlands are regardless of the political climate and all 😉
No, I didn't write about the film, but about the children's book, a friend gave it to me in first grade (now a professor of mathematics, lives in Boston))) Well, about Holland, I, of course, know a lot, I'm a historian))
That makes sense! Didn't know this 😉
Tha makes sense as well 😉 I understood indeed it was a Russian writer, didn't know it was (also) turned into a children book. Interesting to learn, children got/get a little bit of knowledge about the Netherlands! Nice 🙃
Da ist der Hund begraben ))
The title of the film "At home among strangers, a stranger among friends" was translated, according to Wikipedia, as "At Home among Strangers", "At home among strangers, a stranger among his own" or "A friend among foes, a foe among friends" ... By analogy, "one among one's own" can be "at home among his own" or "a friend among friends", but here it is also not as universal as in Russian.
I got it:
But it's easier to search in Google for the filmography of the Oscar-winning (and laureate of all prestigious film festivals), Hero of Russia Nikita Mikhalkov, this is his debut work