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RE: Introducing Oscar Mulero - Madrid Techno icon

in Music3 months ago (edited)

Do you mean: Master Mulero?

For sure, I came across him many times! Back in the 90s and the greater part of the first decade of this millennium, when I roamed not only my country of residence but also the rest of the world (including Germany, Spain and many other places and countries) in search of a good night (or day) of music, often this guy made me get up on my feet to get myself in close proximity IRL, mostly on the dance floor and sometimes in the booth.

Not only a pioneer, being part of the establishment of Techno in Europe, but someone who reinvented himself many times. I vividly remember when he started playing offbeat, being one of the first drivers for a period of offbeat techno that lasted perhaps a year or two. The first time when I heard him play such a style was in one of our most known pop culture locations in Amsterdam, called 'Melkweg' (Milkyway in English). A good friend told me that night: "I like to try and play this style as well"... "My answer: "Don't be shy. Do it! I'll be your biggest fan for sure!" .. Needless to say; This friend was damn good in all he did but always a bit shy to make larger changes in his style. A step into the unknown isn't easy for most of us; Like it isn't easy for most artists. But he did, and I loved him for taking that leap. Still feel I helped him doing so. Anyway, a memory as if this all happened last weekend 🙂🎶

EDM? Hum. Back in the 90s Dance Music was used to cover all dance styles, but EDM? I would not mention EDM in combination with Oscar. Bad connotation. But that aside 🙂


I knew you came across him as real expert :-). And i agree with the EDM topic:

EDM? Hum. Back in the 90s Dance Music was used to cover all dance styles, but EDM? I would mention EDM in combination with Oscar. Bad connotation. But that aside 🙂

EDM was maybe a failure of some sources I saw given his sounds I heard truely could not be seen as EDM - maybe EDM should be EBM (Electronic body music) which relates a bit to the 80ies/early 90ies synthi music.

Nah, those sources classifying Mulero in EDM side of things or run and written by peeps who are simply clueless. I should not conclude this, but honestly 😆
EBM: that is new to me. Will do some research.