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RE: Englishman in New York - Ed Privat (cover)

in Music3 years ago

It's wierd but in our little dorpie they call anyone that isn't a generational resident a foreigner

Yeah we remember this haha. I still prefer this type of "racism" than the unspoken one, when people give you a big smile, but then report you to the police when you aren't looking. (At least the police comes, not like in SA hahah).
How dare you telling me my version isn't amusing hahaha.

It's funny you said that though, when I was in Jobrug, I was replacing it with "I am a French in Johannesburg" sometimes, but I thought it would be silly as I am in France.
But you know, I don't know how much French is left in me, I know when my bru calls me from SA, my accent shift straight up to "Howzit China" hahaha