
OMG what a nice start in my day...your words do mean something and they just made me smile 😊 . Thanks for that and you all have a great day 🤗

You too darling, it's raining here and everyonen's sick, so it's a warm fire and hot chocolate for everyone

Then get well everyone!!!!

If you still have some stinging nettles growing around the house, they make a great salad with a ton of good stuff in it.

They are rich in protein and contain the minerals calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and silicon as well as vitamins A and C. The seeds contain linoleic acid, an essential polyunsaturated fatty acid (omega-6 fatty acid) and vitamin E.

The leaves and seeds tastes great, a bit nutty, with a good oil and some vinegar, salt, pepper, honey, mustard...done is a vinaigrette lol. If you try it make sure you wrap the leaves in a towel first and beat gently so the nettles pop open...otherwise you have party on your tongue but the flu might vanish quicker 😄 .