¿No les ha pasado que tienen un instrumento o un objeto favorito? En mi caso son estos lindos tambores ludwig vistalite.
Haven't you ever had a favorite instrument or object? In my case it's these beautiful ludwig vistalite drums.
Estos tambores son partes de una bateria acrilica de los años 70. esta batería se hizo muy famosa porque la usaba el baterista de Led Zeppelin John Bonham
These drums are parts of an acrylic drum set from the 70's. This drum set became very famous because it was used by Led Zeppelin drummer John Bonham.
Sin duda estos tambores fueron echos para rockear a lo grande. Tienen un buen sonido y ni hablar del volumen.
No doubt these drums were made to rock in a big way. They have a great sound and not to mention the volume.
Para tener estos tambores recuerdo que di varios instrumentos y una diferencia en efectivo. Lamentablemente no tenían el bombo, pero eso no es algo que me desanime, al contrario, me motiva a seguir trabajando para comprar el bombo y usar esa bateria mas seguido (solo la uso en ocasiones especiales)
To have these drums I remember that I gave several instruments and a difference in cash. Unfortunately they did not have the bass drum, but that is not something that discourages me, on the contrary, it motivates me to continue working to buy the bass drum and use that drum more often (I only use it on special occasions).
Mas adelante me gustaría añadirle luces por dentro. Estas baterías acrílicas se prestan para que tengan un imagen creativa
Later I would like to add lights on the inside. These acrylic batteries lend themselves to a creative look.
Pura belleza
Pure beauty