Saludos a todos los amigos de Hive, en este momento les traigo un tema que estoy arreglando para un cliente, el cual me gustó mucho y quise compartirles. Desde hace un tiempo para acá conozco este tema y su intérprete preincipal llamada Ivette Cepeda, para mí una de las mejores intérpretes cubanas que he he escuchado, el sentimiento con el cual interpreta es incrieble.
Greetings to all the friends of Hive, at this moment I bring you a theme that I am fixing for a client, which I liked a lot and wanted to share with you. For some time now I have known this theme and its main interpreter called Ivette Cepeda, for me one of the best Cuban interpreters I have ever heard, the feeling with which she interprets is incredible.
Este tema fue compuesto por otro cubano llamado Orlando Vistel, un excelente pianista y compositor. Ultimamente me he sentido un poco sensible y tengo que reconocer que ayer cuando escuchaba una versión sinfónica cantada por Ivette, se me salieron las lágrimas, y esa ha sido una de las razones por la cual quise compartirla a uds. Espero les guste mi versión.
This theme was composed by another Cuban named Orlando Vistel, an excellent pianist and composer. Lately I have been feeling a little sensitive and I have to admit that yesterday when I listened to a symphonic version sung by Ivette, tears came to my eyes, and that has been one of the reasons why I wanted to share it with you. I hope you like my version.
Por acá les dejo la letra original:
Amar es un eterno laberinto
Para aquel que corre hacia el amor
Salón de mil espejos
Barnizados de pasión y encanto
Amar es como un tren que se nos va
Diciendo adiós en la imaginación
Y casi nunca sabe, ni uno mismo
La parada más cercana
A nuestro propio corazón
Y... si yo hubiera sabido
Que tu amor es mi nido
Que tus alas cansadas
Me buscaban y me hallaban
En cada suspiro
Si me hubieras mirado
De un modo diferente
No me hubiera importado
Ni la lluvia ni la gente
Para correr a ti
Si hubieras mirado
Con calma mis ojos
Tocado mis manos
Sin ningún temor
Nada hubiera evitado
El placer tan inmenso
De hacerte feliz
Si hubieras pronunciado
A lejana distancia
La más leve palabra
De amor hacia mí
Pronto habrías comprendido
Mis ansias profundas
De vivir contigo
Here is the original lyrics:
Love is an eternal labyrinth
For the one who runs towards love
hall of a thousand mirrors
Varnished with passion and charm
Loving is like a train that leaves us
Saying goodbye in imagination
And you almost never know, not even oneself
the nearest stop
to our own hearts
And... if I had known
that your love is my nest
That your tired wings
They looked for me and they found me
in every breath
if you had looked at me
in a different way
I would not have minded
Neither the rain nor the people
to run to you
if you had looked
calm my eyes
touched my hands
without any fear
nothing would have prevented
the pleasure so immense
to make you happy
If you had pronounced
in the far distance
the slightest word
of love to me
soon you would have understood
my deep longing
to live with you
▶️ 3Speak
Wow, the lyrics of this song is really beautiful as it transmits a beautiful message full of high and rich melody!
A great job beautifully done pal!
Thank you very much friend
you are welcome dear friend!