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RE: On the branches

in Musiclast year

About everyone's life, I was the weirdo, and it wasn't my path either. Thanks for mentioning me, for taking care of me. The selection is an excellent counterpoint to Lole and Manuel. There is also rebelliousness in their songs. And I've imagined Manuel Molina's voice, older, wise, singing " Que nadie vaya a llorar" over Garbage's theme music. Sweet Lizzy Project I didn't know them... but they sound great. Thank you very much @nanixxx


¡Qué grande Manuel! Lo he visto. Mil gracias a ti. Este ha sido un hermoso martes.

Me voy a la cama con una sonrisa... también fue un gran martes por aquí, un abrazo muuuuuuuuuuuuy graaaaaaande!!!!

😅 ¡Descansa! Abrazooote