Currently I am developing few things in background e.g. a Community Hub, which also has Hive integrated. But I like to tell you more about that later. 😎
I was thinking to deploy a sidechain for that application. So why not doing the same here? In the future we can use smart contracts for specific rewardings on contests and so on 🤗. And we could generate our own market value with an own application but nevertheless being active on hive.
The next thing is, I really would like to have a chat platform like Discord. I have done the same for the Bass Music Community, but which is not public yet.
The Hub I was talking about will has a chat component, but this will take time. So meanwhile it would be great to have an organization telegram group or a discord or slack server this various channels. 🙂
That sounds very interesting @equaliser - keep me in the loop and let us exchange soon.