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RE: Starting Again - Liquid Drum & Bass Freebie

in Music4 years ago

I popped in because my good friend, @nickyhavey, called me over. I see, like so many of us, you've walked path or two in the blockchain! You are most certainly not alone in that and I speak for myself when I say that I try not to poke my head too far above the parapets....

disappeared. Anyhow, thanks to Nick, I've found another, and more reliable host, and I continue to post to the blockchain. That said, I also don't always post from WP - it depends what I'm wittering on about and I make use of PeadD and Dapplr...That said, I do want to endorse, as Nicky said I would...the WordPress plugin that the @exxpio team has put together. I have more than once, and twice that I remain annoyed about, lost content from websites because webmasters and/or hosts went AWOL. Most recently, nearly on a year ago and I am still re-capturing some of those posts. Fortunately all of those that I posted during that time are all on the blockchain and when I discover they're "missing",I "recapture" them from the blockchain. In this instance I was very, very annoyed because my site and my domain was hosted via a Hivean and he just

I admit to being cautious about bringing people on to the blockchain for exactly the reasons you suggest. However, there is no social media platform that is free of bullies, mean people and some whose interests leave me cold. I've seen on WP, too, when I started blogging - six or so years ago - and I was astounded. It did, however, give me cause for pause about how I conduct my "online" life and with whom I associate. Not much different from 3D life, really.

In the end, we all seem to find our niches. Hope you do, too.

Be well.


Well said Fiona,thanks for sharing your exxperience 😁

Any time! 😀