If you like to get together with friends to drink good wine and listen to jazz, this album is for you.
Day 5 of 365 recommending one album per day "Kind of Blue" by Miles Davis.
When you're done with that, if the party continues you can listen to "Birth of the Cool" which is an earlier and good album that introduces what would be cool jazz.
David was a very cool trumpeter who combines some things from bebop and more aggressive jazz with slower and more classical rhythms from European classical music, perfect for any moment of this hot summer.
Leave me in your comments which album can't be missing from this list of 365 albums, what do you think of these albums and which songs did you like the most?
Kind of Blue, released in 1959, is one of the most important and acclaimed albums in jazz history. Recorded in a single session, the album features Davis alongside a stellar quintet: John Coltrane on tenor saxophone, Cannonball Adderley on alto saxophone, Jimmy Cobb on drums, and Bill Evans on piano.
The album is notable for its use of modality, a system of improvisation based on scales rather than chords. This gave the music of Kind of Blue a sense of freedom and openness that was new to jazz at the time.
Versión en Español.
Si te gusta juntarte a tomar un buen vino y escuchar jazz con amigos, este disco es para ti.
Día 5 de 365 recomendando un disco por día "kind of blue" de Miles Davis.
Cuando termines ese, si sigue la juntada puedés escuchar "Birth of the Cool" que es un disco anterior y bueno introduce lo que sería el cool jazz.
David era un trompetista muy groso que combina algunas cosas del bebop y de un jazz más agresivo con ritmos más lentos y clásicos de la música clásica europea, perfecto para cualquier momento de estos cálidos verano.
Déjame en tus comentarios qué disco no puede faltar para esta lista de 365 discos, que os parecen estos discos y cuáles temas os han gustado más.
Kind of Blue, lanzado en 1959, es uno de los álbumes más importantes y aclamados de la historia del jazz. Grabado en una sola sesión, el disco presenta a Davis junto a un quinteto de estrellas: John Coltrane en el saxofón tenor, Cannonball Adderley en el saxofón alto, Jimmy Cobb en la batería y Bill Evans en el piano.
El disco es notable por su uso de la modalidad, un sistema de improvisación basado en escalas en lugar de acordes. Esto le dio a la música de Kind of Blue una sensación de libertad y apertura que era nueva para el jazz en ese momento.
Miles Davis: for sure he deserves an entry in the 365 list 💯
For a long time I didn't come across hos name anymore, let alone I listen to his work.
This is a great reminder to set some of his works in a new playlist for short-term listening pleasure.
I am a huge fan of Miles Davis' music and I definitely couldn't leave him out of my playlist. I love his improvisational style and his ability to create such beautiful and moving music. My playlist is a complete mess, but I have a lot of fun switching from one genre to another when I least expect it. I always have it on shuffle and sometimes songs come up that I didn't even remember having. My friends call me crazy for listening to music like this, but for me it's the best thing there is. Going back to Miles, his music has had a profound impact on me and I am so grateful for his contributions to the world of jazz.
It's good for you to let your friends think what they think and continue with what you like!
Music from the past can have such an appeal since it is quite different to what we know and hear today.
All good and all, but we have a legacy of some great musicians.
Funnily enough, in (specific corners of) dance music, I see/hear repeating cycles of about 20 to 25 years. Since most of the music in these little corners is less recognisable by many, the younger generations go nuts on tracks from 20 years ago thinking it is new 😆