The date

in Music2 years ago (edited)

With love’s light wings did I o’erperch these walls, for stony limits cannot hold love out.

- William Shakespere - Romeo and Juliet -

We've all been on dates and while not all of them have been as intense and tragic as Romeo and Juliet's story I guess we all have stories about good and bad ones, those that followed on to another and beyond, and those that couldn't end soon enough.

I've had a few, more than a few really, and after a conversation last week I've been thinking about those dates, where, when and what happened on them and afterwards. I've enjoyed thinking about it and have brought some amazing dates to mind - super-simple and others a little more formal or complex - but all mostly enjoyable. In fact, I can't actually think of a single date that held no value and I guess that's probably because I tend not to put a lot of pressure on them; I keep the expectation low and simply let it roll out as it will. That doesn't mean I don't apply effort though, or seek to create special moments, I do, it's just that I know perfection doesn't exist and don't seek it in anything I do, including on dates.

fuck off you idiot (1).jpg

One I recall fondly is a date at an art gallery in Paris, Musée de l'Orangerie, where Claude Monet's, The Water Lilies, are displayed.

It's situated in the Tuileries Garden close to Place de la Concorde and we arrived, coffee in hand, after a walk through the gardens to spend time wandering the halls of the gallery discussing the artworks and life in general; I think that's one of the beautiful things about art, it is often a snapshot of life itself and promotes conversation. Afterwards we had lunch, baguettes and more coffee, whilst sitting in a secluded part of the Tuileries Garden. It was a beautiful date, very simple, and enjoyable.

With dates in mind, I figured it might be a good opportunity to share a couple tracks about dates and dating which you'll find below. They're all a little different but I like them a lot because of their differences; life is about diversity, adventure and the unknown, after all.

Sam Hunt - Walker Hayes - Dean Brody

✳️ Here's a link to YouTube where you'll find all three in a single YouTube playlist.

The process of dating, in this modern world, tends to begin on a mobile phone or so I'm told; that's not my way though. I'm a face-to-face guy and, of course, I prefer simple dates which is supported by a partner who has been my date for a little while now. I wonder what your experiences have been like though.

Have you been on a lot of dates, were they good or bad, did they lead to more or end abruptly? What has been your best and worst, what is your ideal date, and what leads you to ask someone out for a date; what do you see that makes you want to experience and learn more about a person? Feel free to tell me in the comments, I'll respond, as always.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

[All original and proudly AI free]
Any images in this post are my own.


A lot of communication is done on phone/text so starting dates from there makes sense. Even I was doing that as a teenager though it was all over internet as mobiles weren't ubiquitous enough for everyone to have one til I was well into uni XD

Your simple dates sound really nice. I have beenn on a couple of extravagent ones and they're novel but I definitely like the simple ones more XD And lately we haven't been on any at all x_x

I remember the days before text messaging and mobile phones fondly.

Hmm, no dates for a while you guys? Maybe a simple little outing would be good, where would you go and what would you do if it was possible?

We do try to cram in beach or hikes when we can on the weekends but that hasn't happened for a while mostly due to weather and partly due to my nocturnal habits (ideally I would go to bed sometime between 1 and 3am and wake up around lunchtime, but I'm still to this day forced on a diurnal schedule because mine is too inconvenient for everyone else). The rest of the week comprises of poor J occasionally making an attempt ("do you wanna come walk the dogga?") and me rejecting because I'm trying to work on so many things at once and our work schedules are on opposite ends of the day (he has normal full time hours but adjusted so that he starts earlier in the morning and finishes earlier in the afternoon, and all but one of my shifts are after school hours going over dinner time).

We're pretty boring so beach and hikes and museum and art gallery etc type trips are the things we like to do. Though he'll only do the coffee thing at a coffee shop under duress because he's a tightarse XD

We do try to cram in beach or hikes when we can on the weekends

Call them dates and you're good to go. Lol.

nocturnal habits

Try some different nocturnal're not a bloody possum...or are you?

We're pretty boring so beach and hikes and museum and art gallery

These are not boring nutbag! 😁

We all move to our own rhythm and schedules I guess. I don't need to preach to you about the positive reasons for taking a little time out and making things happen, the dates or whatever one wants to call them you're a smart girl possum possum-girl and know what works for you and the J-man so keep doing that, making it work, and...*get that tightarse spending some coin at the coffee shop with his possum-girl!

Possum-girl XD I am going to have to draw that now aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh.

You better bloody show me!

It will (probably) get posted though will be after Wednesday the way things are going x_x

I have my usual massive backlog but it's getting bumped, and I probably have to rejig schedules again anyway aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

That date story in the museum was really nice. It was simple, unique, and can definitely be a lasting memory for both of you. Dating now is so much different. It is difficult to meet someone new outside of apps, or through connections/friends. Everyone is so busy and focused on a lot of things that small talk with random people are so rare and even frowned upon by others.

Finding people from apps becomes so superficial. Attraction is important in a relationship, but since there are already a lot of profiles to choose from, 'OK' gets easily passed on. Finding someone with similar passions also becomes too specific. It's mostly travel, food, music, and sports, but 'boring' and occasional hobbies like gardening, knitting, pottery, or taking care of fish get pushed to the side. People that do these uncommon hobbies will find it difficult to find others that share the same passion. But adding them in their profiles can also hinder a lot of potential partners. What I'm trying to get at, is that dating and finding a partner now is so complex.

It makes me wonder how many amazing people are passed over when people look at their image on an app and swipe away from them based on that snippet of visual appearance; I'd say many people.

People look for the wrong thing, and in a world that is incredibly fake, the wrong thing is easy to find.

I think also, that people don't have much patience these days and will pass over, or discard a person that isn't quite aligned with their agenda or timeframe situation. For this reason many connections that could have been lasting and incredibly beautiful and rewarding simply fail, or just don't happen. Sad really.

You're right though, it's complex; I guess I simplify things for that reason, and always look deeper than the physical...of course, it's the physical that often first attracts. An interesting topic I think.

Thanks for commenting.

I think that's one of the beautiful things about art, it is often a snapshot of life itself and promotes conversation.

Yep, I agree, and would add that art is intended to provoke an emotional response, either positive or negative. If it doesn't, then it has failed.

I've personally had a few dates that run the gamut, from exciting (back of an empty movie theatre), to boring (front of an empty movie theatre), and all in between. Parks with playgrounds are fun as they provide something to do. Zoo's are good, too, because if the conversation goes really south, there is still something to discuss and distract with.

I think the right term from my perspective is, "Yeah, been there, failed that." 😂

Lol, the front/back comment made me laugh.

I think what might be construed as good by one may be bad by's subjective and specific to the two people. I think there's a few in which I'd have done things differently, but generally I'm content with how they've been. Another tomorrow night so, yeah...let's see if it is *back of the movie theatre style or front. 😁

Have a good weekend mate.

 2 years ago  

Nice theme man, that date in Paris sounds pretty cool man, I have not actually had that many dates truth be told, as I started going out with my now wife when I was 21 and all my hook ups before that tended to be at bars and nightclubs. I had fair few, but not as many as those who experienced being single in their mid to late twenties or thirties I guess..

It was a nice time indeed. Just on the date thing...Date your wife, that works a treat.

I'm not much of a Sam hunt fan. He has some good songs but I don't care for that talk-singing he does. Walker Hayes is pretty cool and he has an interesting back story. He writes some catchy hooks too. I've never heard of Dean Brody I don't think, but I will for sure check him out now.

I don't think I've heard any of Sam Hunt's other tracks, I like this one though, not sure why really, it just is. Walker Hayes is cool for sure, I like his style and Dean Brody...that song makes me think of good times, well worthy of this list.

My favorite Sam Hunt song is probably Body Like a Back road. My favorite Walker Hayes song is either AA or Don't Let Her.

Oh yeah, body like a back road! Damn it, I forgot about that one. I like it! (Been on a few back roads too - got dust running through my veins.)

I'm listening to Dean Brody right now. Good stuff. Is he Canadian? There is a whole Canadian Country community that I never knew about until I found the channel on Sirius/XM

Yeah he's from Canada, not sure where though. He prebably says sorry a lot. 😁

Haha, he probably does. There is some good country music up in Canada. Some of it is kind of hokey, but there is some high quality stuff too.

I lived a time of many friends, without internet. I can still feel the freedom in the spontaneity of relationships. I had dates, enough to remember how we looked at each other's faces and said the feelings. I think it was alright, some of those dates went on like relationships over time. Including my husband, we are still on a date that has lasted 18 years. Even on my Caribbean island, the change in relationships brought about by social networks is noticeable. I hope they are also funny -or not- and leave traces that feed the soul.

Greetings from Havana 🥂

An eighteen year date, such a nice way to put it!

I think people connected more effectively prior to smartphone apps and the internet, opening and nurturing initial relationships was largely face to face and I think that brought greater depth. People may disagree with of course, and that's ok.

Thanks for your comment.

Thanks to you...

What beautiful songs Galen, thank you for sharing them. Each one has its style, diversity, and the beauty of it.

No, I haven't been on many dates, but not because I haven't been propositioned haha. Some have ended abruptly, maybe there was something I didn't like, it caused me rejection and when that happens whether it's a date or a friendship I walk away. Others went further and very nice.
The best thing has been the sense of humour, sharing stories, experiences and being similar.
The worst thing is when you want to force something that one of the parties is not interested in.

My ideal date... I don't think I have one, it comes naturally, but I can tell you that the nicest ones are the ones where I don't even realise it's a date, everything is natural and both parties are comfortable.

What do I see in the other person that makes me want to experience more? Intelligence, creativity, that this man makes me laugh, that I feel I know him from before and a lot of imagination, I love to share that. Equal attracts equal... and another thing, that he knows me to my dark side and accompanies me.

Hey, I never said these things in public haha.

Thanks Galen!

Great songs for sure, well...I like them anyway.

It's interesting to know what attracts people...I might do a weekend-engagement topic about it sometime. I wrote some today actually, topics; I drafted up 104 topics in an Excel spreadsheet. I'm not joking. 😏

Anyway, it's so nice when things are unforced on a date, when they flow naturally; it helps connection happen more effectively and can be a good segway to something lasting.

Thanks for sharing.

104 topics!!!!! Ufff those are topics... I sharpen my fingers jajajaja

You were inspired, that's creativity!

I'll wait for those themes, I always have to sit down to think about .... which one I write about, I like the 1, 3, 4... all of them! What do I do???? hahaha but in the end I say well let my intuition guide me.

I just write and I don't even realise what I've written hahaha

Lol...don't worry, they're all easy.

Super easy 🤣🤣🤣

It reminded me of my first encounter with a date. There was a girl in my school, who alwsy took assistance in accounts subject, one day I was on leave due to flu and same day she didn't made to school too coz of her own reason. There was no planning and we were not aware. Next day in school, everybody was making fun and teasing me asking me about my "Date" with that girl. It was only then I understood the meaning of "date" 😄.

Frankly speaking I never been on date, I did get fee offer but I didn't took interest in such.

A date could be any number of things I guess but is traditionally a meeting between two people who are interested in each other. You got teased for the date...but I wonder, how did it go? (The date I mean.)

It was a memorable one...making me laugh at my ignorance

Laughing at oneself, the ability to do it, is a sign of wisdom and self-understanding. ✅

I wrote a whole response here, but it got pretty long so I posted it instead :)

Cool post/question, this got me digging back into the old dusty brainfiles, but it was fun to remember!

One must dust off the brainfiles now and then right? It's nice to look back and remember I think.

Songs about ideal dates... I have also saved them in my playlist cause I like to find out new music.

Recordé a una chica que solía escuchar mucho, Alannah Myles --> Black Velvet

I've had many, yes. Do you want to read one?

That's a good song, I remember when it was first release and liked it a lot then, and now.

I've had many, yes. Do you want to read one?

Go on then, you know I want to.

😁 This post

Remember my native language is spanish ;)

That post was really great, even in its translated form and I can only imaging it would be much better in Spanish, if I was able to read it.

You are the boat and I am the water running dispersed, in a whirlpool, in a trance.

I loved this line the best, and the moment in which you used it.

Nice work and thanks for sharing.

Thank you Galenkp. I'm glad you liked it. How nice it was to find you because I really enjoy reading you too. But hey, you get this every day. hahahaha... nothing new I say.

To be honest, I really wish I was able to read it in Spanish as I think it would be outstanding. Unfortunately, a lot of lost in translations...but it was still very enjoyable.

Thanks for liking my posts, I try...I wrote as well as I can...I never finished high school so I have worked to improve my skills and educated myself basically. I wish I wrote much better, but keep pushing on with what I know and write anyway.

I don't deny it, and my wife knows it, before I got married I had many dates, some good and some not so good, in those dates I managed to get very far, you can say that at least I got as far as the date had to go.

Then my next dates have been with my wife, in fact the first date I had with her was in the library of the university, after we got married we always had dates as spouses, I surprised her many times quoting her somewhere and then take her to dinner, then the girls came into our lives, there was a pause, but now they can stay alone and there my wife and I take advantage to have short dates, but giving life to that we have always had my wife and me.

Two weeks ago I took her to see a sunset by ourselves, without the girls, it is good to surprise her from time to time, it makes me feel very good.

I think, if the two people are compatible, even what may be considered a bad date is actually good. Compatibility and connection is about give and take, understanding and a bad date could be seen as a funny, enjoyable and memorable experience if viewed through the those lenses.

next dates have been with my wife, in fact the first date I had with her was in the library of the university

I had a few dates in a library...they went well, and that library will never be the same again! 😁

Two weeks ago I took her to see a sunset by ourselves

Yep, we are alike in this...a date with the girl and nature always has value.

Thanks for responding.

I had a few dates in a library...they went well, *and that library will never be the same again! 😁

I understand what you are saying, and I think I can also say the same, libraries, and their study cubicles, you have a lot of stories to write. 😁😁

Yep, we are alike in this...a date with the girl and nature always has value.

It's good to always renew, especially when you love, and being in nature and talking and enjoying some time alone, makes us feel closer.

libraries, and their study cubicles, you have a lot of stories to write.

I thought you might catch my drift with that comment. 😇

He recorded love I was in love and it was unrequited 😞
The same thing continues, it's good to find love, it hasn't come into my life yet

Me recordó al amor estuve enamorado y fue no correspondido 😞
Igual la cosa sigue es bueno encontrar el amor sube aún no a llegado a mi vida

it's good to find love, it hasn't come into my life yet

Maybe it will come, I hope so for your sake. I'm not sure how one makes it happen really, I guess all we can do is be the best version of ourselves and hope that things come back to us commensurate to who and how we create ourselves.

thanks for the consolation
I hope love comes into my life 🥰

Dates period should have always been the best ever but it seems people pay much attention with their phones rather than concentrating on each other, I’ve been a victim of this and couldn’t ask so many questions I intended to ask. It was just a bizarre situation for me and I don’t want to recall that moment.

One of the worst things that could have happened to person to person communication is the mobile phone and internet. Just my opinion.

Of course it really ruined my date

Our expectations hurt us. That's why your strategy to keep expectations low is quite good. These days apps are being used to date and these dates are not fruitful.

I prefer to do my dating face to face, with humans, so apps aren't my style. I really don't understand it to be honest, but many people go down that path. And here...the marriage divorce rate is 50%. Hmm, I wonder if there's a correlation. Probably.

I often have dates by night.
They are really delicious 😋.

Talking about the date with a girl, yup, I once had someone and we enjoyed a lot together but the thing is I always expected very much high.
But never received the same effort in return and then obviously things aren't same now.

Unfortunately, sometimes feelings aren't reciprocated, or those feelings change...or they never actually existed in the first place. I guess all we can do is see it for what it is/was and move forward.

I think this is the only solution.

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Speaking of dates, here's a date with destiny...well, with @steemflow at least! Thanks for the curation bro, it's much appreciated.

We've all been on dates and while not all of them have been as intense and tragic as Romeo and Juliet's story I guess we all have stories about good and bad ones, those that followed on to another and beyond, and those that couldn't end soon enough.

NOt everyone, never went on a date. I'm a dateless person :P

Ah ok, well maybe one day it will happen.

The songs is a very nice one. Presently, I'm not in a relationship but it reminds me of my
Nice one!

Yeah, pretty good songs indeed, worthy of this post for sure.

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment

I don't speak or read Spanish, but thanks for commenting all the same.