Il syncopation di Ted Reed è IL LIBRO. Lo si può applicare ai rudimenti, ai groove, al solfeggio, alla lettura, e così via. Se avessi avuto l'opportunità di riscriverlo, avrei inserito più partiture lunghe con tempi dispari e figurazioni di note meno fitte, per sfruttare meglio gli spazi e le pause.
Mi ero ripromesso di scrivere un libro, ma ora che esiste HIVE.BLOG, i libri sono superflui. Qui vi presento una partitura di 24 battute, niente di troppo difficile, da interpretare a vostro piacimento. Se scegliete l'interpretazione groove, con la cassa che segue la lettura mentre il charleston suona gli ottavi o i sedicesimi e il rullante sul 2 e 4, fate attenzione alla lettura e a far risaltare gli spazi tra le note.
Buon divertimento!
Ted Reed's Syncopation is THE BOOK. It can be applied to rudiments, grooves, solfeggio, sight-reading, and so on. If I had the chance to rewrite it, I would have included more extended scores with odd time signatures and less dense note patterns, specifically to better utilize the spaces and rests.
I had intended to write a book, but now that HIVE.BLOG exists, books seem unnecessary. Here’s a 24-bar score, nothing too difficult, for you to interpret as you wish. If you choose the groove interpretation, with the bass drum following the notation while the hi-hat plays eighths or sixteenths and the snare on 2 and 4, pay attention to the reading and make sure to bring out the spaces between the notes.
I wish I had learned how to read charts like this. It's always a thing of joy for me when I see people reading charts, but I can't. I hope I can learn someday.
Good luck. I highly recommend the syncopation book. The first 20 pages are very simple and a good start for reading
Alright, I will try that out.
Nice work sir ,I still have a long way to go
Maybe you can use it as a simple reading excercise
I've not got that book, but I've seen it recommended as one of the good ones. I do have Stick Control, but have not really worked through it. I know Drumeo have some lessons based on it, so I should look at those.
I just tried playing through your exercise and it's making me concentrate.
Syncopation is the book. I think it was written in 1929 only for snare drum. You can apply to rock pop latin jazz etc..........You should check some interpretations on the syncopation vids on youtube.
. This video is good for your left hand$PIZZA slices delivered:
@steevc(1/5) tipped @giampaolo19