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RE: My Vinyl Picture Cover OCD Habits Returning

in Music4 years ago

Oh my. What a trip down memory lane. I can't belive you owned that Bread single! 😂

I have a new car arriving soon

Did you use your crypto for the new car then?

I want them to display when I play the song and not some generic boring old icon.

Seems like a valid reason to me, for taking the time to find them.

Sadly, my OCD tendancy manifested itself to colour code my singles with those naff, buff cases and I threw away all the paper ones, picture ones included. I felt a pang of regret when I thought about selling them but got over it fast as I couldn't be bothered to research how much they were worth and just took them to a charity shop.

At least I think I did. They might still be in the attic somewhere. I know my LPs are. 😂


As weird as my present tastes are, I do like some older traditional stuff as well. I was relentless on searching for these oldies during my misguided youth and managed to obtain almost all of them.

Your LP's, depending on what they are may be more valuable than you think. Pink Floyd and other timeless classic ones fetch more than they originally cost now, and depending on the condition can be up to £50 each.

Your Soft Cell albums mind you.., are probably best offloaded on the nearest Sunday junk market 😀

I've definitely got some Pink Floyd and all the early Led Zeps along with the Carpenters and Andy Williams! 😂

Now those might be worth something..., I never did get into Led Zep besides Kashmir but can understand the appeal. I still am a big Carpenters fan and had the odd Andy vinyl song as well.

Here's some more I grabbed, don't they look great? My windows explorer view was never so nostalgic!


OMG. Exyle . . . Sigh.

They are indeed lovely. 😁

If it wasn't so cold I might be tempted to dig around in the eaves and see what I do have. Mind you. I don't hold out much hope for their condition. It's not insulated so is like a freezer in winter and a greenhouse in summer, as all my ruined art materials will testify.


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