This song was dedicated to the then partner of the singer as he had serious problems with his father's politics as president. Antonio de la Rúa was the one who handled his father's politics and at that time Argentina was going through hard problems and his father, Fernando de la Rúa, was running the risk of losing the presidency.
In my opinion, this song describes more of a boy disgusted by another love and that Shakira offers to help him heal his wounds, in fact, although their relationship lasted 11 years, they broke up and I think he lacked love for her.
I got to know about Shakira and her songs through my daughter @andiesongmusic since she started singing the covers of this singer and all day her songs were listened to at my house. Every time I hear a song by Shakira, it brings to mind the days when she, together with my son, formed a duo and sang in the night spots and in the squares at the city's fairs.
Esta canción fue dedicada al entonces pareja de la cantante ya que tenía serios problemas con la política de su padre como presidente. Antonio de la Rúa era el que manejaba la política de su padre y en esos momentos Argentina se encontraba atravesando duros problemas y su papá, Fernando de la Rúa corría el riesgo de perder la presidencia.
A mi opinión, esta canción describe más a un chico despechado por otro amor y que Shakira ofrece ayudarlo a sanar sus heridas, de hecho, aunque su relación duró 11 años, ellos rompieron y yo creo que a él le faltó amor hacia ella.
jajaj me encanta esta canción, es muy romántica y perfecta para dedicar! No conocia la historia detras, la verdad me deja pensando jajaj tremendos covers que hace tu hija! :D que lindos recuerdos!
Muy linda participacion! Gracias por pasar! :D