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RE: Claire's Garage Session Covers: Part 1 - Acoustic #3 By the Goo Goo Dolls

in Music2 years ago

Oh hello! So much to say...

Firstly I agree with Claire that @eugelys is good at guitar and cuatro! I remember watching her version of "House of the Rising Sun" a few months ago and loving how her more Spanish style of playing really matched singing the lyrics in Spanish as well... really beautiful, and I've been a fan ever since!

I have a few theories. If somebody has music in their bones and a feeling for rhythm and melody, then they can probably sing enough to at least be able to sing in a style that suits them, even if it is a Tom Waits or Bob Dylan style... the only thing standing in the way is confidence...

Those kinds of people are also a shoo-in to eventually be good at an instrument like guitar as well... but it takes years. You know my theory of "getting over the initial hump" where things feel more like "play" and less like "practice" after that? Watching this video it feels like your left hand is over the hump, changing its chords on time, but that your right hand has a little way to go still. The flavour of this song with a bit of finger picking is slow and sombre... but strum on each of those beats and things get quite "restless" as eugelys said.

So we will focus on the right hand... there is a reason why we dedicate our good hand to the strumming/picking... it's quite difficult!


Thank you @JasperDick you're spot on. Very valuable input.

There was a time, a long long time ago, when I actually did guitar lessons and played a bit of Spanish guitar and my finger picking was pretty damn good.

Years of not playing and associated rustiness (of my brain and the guitar) has made me nervous an fumbly and really not very confident on finger plucking at all.

This song definitely suites gentle finger plucking better than strumming. I suppose, I am getting used to the thinner neck of the steel string (as opposed to the nylon I've played my whole life) , which is far more comfortable, but it also means I have to be super precise with my chords and the chord changes. You can't fudge over mistakes as easily as you can with the nylon string: Which is a good thing because it means I can't cheat anymore 🤣🤣 it does mean, however, that I'm going to need to practice:

Like a LOT,

For me be able to be confident enough with the chord changes on the left before I'm ready for finger picking on the right.

For now restless strumming is what I have, but hopefully as the weeks go on, I'll get a bit more adventurous and simultaneously precise and some finger picking shall emerge 😉🤞👌👍❤️

Exactly - or we choose songs with simple chord structure but with a distinctive rhythm or right-hand style to practice...

Awesome! Yes please. Perhaps I should change the structure of this series to songs that you challenge me to, but AG, you know, as you say, I think it's fine if we make up the rules as we go along and I can tweak the reward system accordingly 🤣

Like you said in your own post (and I appreciate what you said very much), you are obviously the best person to challenge me too because you understand my musical strengths and weaknesses better than anybody.
I'm massively grateful for your feedback and mentorship. I feel incredibly privileged. Really. Thank you @JasperDick

HI!!!! The one who made that cover was Lisbeth26

It was excellent, she plays better guitar than me, too bad she is no longer active on the platform, she was very cool as a content creator and supporting others :)

I like all the tips you are sharing :)

Oh no... Am I getting old and my memory deceived me? 😋
I am so sorry - why did I think it was you? Yes, I've just watched it again and it's not you!!! 😳
Yes, Lisbeth26 is playing in an excellent style on it...

Well - I still think you play cuatro perfectly well on your recent performance of "Stand by Me"! Ah I wish I could have one, but I also wish I could have many other instruments to play with!

 2 years ago (edited) 

I actually originally wrote songs to improve my guitar playing... And the focus on the singing and songwriting came a little bit later...

I noticed that looking up cover song tabs on the internet was either too easy, or the difficult songs, I had forgotten how to read sheet music... Guitar tablature helped but doesn't show timing or which finger should play the note or how to base it off shapes to make it as easy as possible...

... So I constructed my own riffs to challenge myself. Even with the songs I still play, I often have a simple structure but play little intricate riffs based on that structure inbetween the singing...

So that was my strategy to improve at the right rate... Almost creating my own riffs to stretch me and improve...