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RE: The Wizardry of Songwriting Part 10: Somewhere Between a Rock and a Hard Place

in Musiclast year

I still think perfectionism gets in your way. If you commit to submitting to Hive Open Mic every week, it forces you to do at least one video every week, and you have no time to be perfect. I could even suggest more songs that you could tackle for the theme of the week (beyond the post I make for Three Tune Tuesday) - but it's entirely up to you.

Still - you could be like me, where almost entirely all of my posts (and the resulting HP and HBD) are based around a commitment to a weekly song video, which is actually a lot faster and less mentally taxing than other kinds of blogs! You're probably missing out on the equivalent of how my account has grown... for no reason...

...Same goes for the Hive Music Festival, but without even the constraint of a theme of the week - you could upload anything you like.

The Vibes Community has just started their music contest as well, and even without the huge prizes apparently on offer, the author rewards (HP and HBD) for my first post there have been the best I've had in a long time...

Think of Hive and its communities as a training zone, and leave even having to be "good" (let alone perfect) for other performances... mess around - play like a child - try stuff you know you won't be good at?


Right now we're just trying to keep our heads above the water 😕 I hear you. I'll definitely try when I'm back on my feet and I've managed to get through this deadline. It would be lovely to be creative and to stop drawing money out of my hive account. Frankly it's the only way I'm covering any of my bills at the moment. Nothing lasts forever though. So here's hoping for easier times to come.

This wasn't meant to be a criticism of drawing money out of HIVE. It was me saying that doing a music recording and then posting it for HIVE open mic or HIVE music festival is a much easier way to post... For me anyway!

Take this post for example... I think it would have taken me longer to write this than what I do. And I get to play guitar. That's all!


I hear you. My head is not in a great place 💜