in Music3 years ago

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Hello everyone, it's my first three things Tuesday post and I'm glad to be making it thanks to encouragement from @blackdaisyft and a few others also engage in this beautiful topic.

Sharing music that I love has always been one of my best moment here on the Hive platforms and with an initiative where we share songs we love every week I think it's a beautiful thing all thanks to @ablaze

For this week I'll be sharing three songs that I have loved and have some time I also shared some of them on either the music community or in the openmic community.

These songs are well-known and they were done by very talented artists.

The first song is "if the world was ending" by JP Saxxe

I love this version of it.

The song describe how two lovers who probably don't feel anything for themselves tried to see what would happen even if the world is ending which day still love one another would they still wants to be with one another.
He goes further to share that love sometimes may not need any reason and can be unconditional such that even when we see the world ending world, would you such a person.

Second song is before you go by Lewis capaldi, this one expresses some form of regret that a lover who regrets the fact that unless someone and wishes there was something I could have said to make it better or something I could have done to change the narrative.

And it really reflects in real life that sometimes the outcome of a relationship is mostly dependent on them building blocks of communication, actions and inactions which we chose to use, do or not do.

To think that evenly something was done rightly the outcome might have been something different and something much better but then our understanding is often limited and we could only share what we know.

The last song is a very common song which I intentionally used for the last knowing that many people will know the song, it's "Perfect by Ed Sheeran" and it's here perfectly still and for this week #threetunesTuesday because it is in hope that after the headaches and breakups and different things that could happen during a relationship we'll find the perfect person for us.

Indeed no one is perfect and really no one needs a perfect person it is only a subjective way of thoughts that we feel we need someone who's perfect however we all should work towards being the perfect person because perfection in others is only a mirage. But self perfection is a journey and relationship is part of it.

Thanks for being apart of my post.

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I just see your upvote on my TTT video so I check your page and wow , you posted your first TTT video at almost the exact same time my video went live this week! That's crazy brother..

I haven't listened yet...I just read the post and I see there is a Lewis Capaldi song and an Ed Sheeran song...double wow , its even more coincidence because my last 2 songs before my TTT video are Ed Sheeran and Lewis Capaldi!?!...Now you scaring me with these coincidence's and I am VERY eager to hear what you play for us.

Ok Listening now....

Damn ...well that really made my day...I did not expect this today and wow man ,its great to hear you play and sing agian. You have an amazingly soulful voice. I got to be honest of all the great musicians here on Hive you are my favourite to listen to.

You have the talent to be a star , I hope someday someone discovers your potential.

If I ever find the money I would sponsor you to come to the UK to perform and to work with you.

I loved every part of that TTT set but my favourite is Perfect by Ed Sheeran. That song earned $149 for me last December , it is my highest ever earning song here on hive so far so it has a special place in my heart.

You nailed it better than I could ever have hoped to do it. Even Ed Sheeran don't sing it as pretty as you do , if that version hit the UK radio waves this Christmas season you'd be an overnight superstar :).

Keep these TTT sets coming bro and don't be afraid to sing the whole songs, my TTT video is 21 mins plus with a second song that has 13 verses, don't be shy , give us all you got ,it sounds fantastic :D

Haha. I m rolling of my bed screaming and laughing at this..
It's so exciting. I ve been really cut up lately bearly only making it a few times to sing on hive. Strive to put this here by all means I could, had to use my old guitar in a quite place when I travelled back home.

I m so grateful for your kind words and really, one of these days it could be that we do some music together live in UK. Hehe..

I had considered the length of your video too and compared to mine. I ll consider doing it all maybe subsequently.

The coincidences are really amazing, you brought in cool songs didn't know much of the first tho but I loved how sweet you sounded.

I ll be coming over to drop a comment as well.
I m glad to have you welcome me to the #ttt this way. Thanks so much.

Is the audio just you and and guitar , no mic or amplification? It sounds crazy good as it is , I was very VERY surprized to see this today. I only saw it looking for new posts in the Music section and because you upvoted my vid...hehe crazy timing :).

Just some post editing with reverb.. no mic at all.

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 3 years ago  

What an introduction to Three Tune Tuesday man, you knocked my socks off with these ones. You have a seriously good voice my friend, I would pay to go and listen to you, you have that little bit of something special that is hard to come by, keep on practicing man and I am so thrilled to have you sharing your amazing voice with us here on #ttt. Absolutely fantastic.

Thank you so much.
I m so excited you found this.. it is an honor.
Yes I ll keep working hard to bring out my best in music.
Thanks for the encouragement and the #ttt idea.

 3 years ago  

No bother at all man, oh and by the way, you are this week's winner from 21 entries, well done, very well earned. Keep her lit!