Sometimes slowly and heavily, piano improvisation #018

in Music4 years ago

Sometimes slowly and heavily, piano improvisation #018

Recently I’ve been watching a lot of YouTube while laying down. As this becomes a habit, I end up continuing to watch lighthearted funny videos. At first I only watched videos like that for a day, but then the next day, and the day after, my recommended videos were all of similar content. So I end up having to wade through all the click-baiting thumbnails to find the videos that I normally like.

In a world that’s always changing so quickly, I think it’s good times to sometimes spend the day slowly and heavily. No gaming, no watching YouTube, putting down your phone and pulling out a book or notebook. Of course the majority of people will fall asleep after a little while or just close it right away. But I believe that even such small efforts push our lives into a slightly better direction.

Lightly and quickly, sometimes slowly and heavily.


I seek to soothe through piano my emotions that can't be expressed with words. In those times I am free. This channel started as a "diary written through music". Thank you for listening.