Hello friends of Hive, I have the pleasure of speaking to you and introducing you to my main instrument, the Viola.
This beautiful instrument came into my life when I was just 11 years old and I tell you that it completely changed my approach, education and my lifestyle.
Fotografía: Josueclassic (mi viola)
The first time I went to a symphony orchestra, the sound of the viola was what caught my attention, because of its dark, powerful and beautiful sound. With powerful bass and pasty treble, a very particular sound that is the harmonic bridge between the violin and the cello.
We all know that the violin is very famous and recognized throughout the centuries. However, according to various hypotheses pointed out by historians and musicologists, they express that the Viola precedes the violin since the Middle Ages. The truth is that both belong to the splendid family of strings in a symphony orchestra and both play a fundamental role in it.
Tipos de violas
Types of violas
Viola de gamba
- Instrumento de cuerda frotada.
- Posee traste. Se tocaba entre las piernas como el cello.
- Su afinación se compone por cuartas y posee 6 cuerdas
- Se utilizó hasta finales del siglo XVII
- Rubbed string instrument.
- It has a fret. It was played between the legs like the cello.
- Its tuning is made up of fourths and has 6 strings
- It was used until the end of the 17th century
La Lira Viola
- Similar a la viola de gamba, se conecte ce también como viola bastarda.
- Es un poco más pequeña a la viola de gamba
- Posee también 6 cuerdas.
- Similar to the viola da gamba, it is also connected to the viola bastard.
- It is a little smaller than the viola da gamba
- It also has 6 strings.
Viola de amor
- Posee 14 cuerdas pero solo 7 son tocados las demás suenan por vibración simpática.
- Su fama se extiende por buenos comentarios de personalidades como Jhon Evelyn, Leopold Mozart y Pual Hindemith.
- It has 14 strings but only 7 are played, the others sound by sympathetic vibration.
-His fame is spread by good comments from personalities such as Jhon Evelyn, Leopold Mozart and Pual Hindemith.
Viola Pomposa
- Creada en 1720 por J.S Bach.
- De mayor tamaño que la viola actual se agarraba de la espalda sujetada con una correa.
- Olvidada por lo complejo que era tocarla.
- Created in 1720 by J.S Bach.
- Larger than the current viola, it was held on to the back, fastened with a strap.
- Forgotten because of how complex it was to touch her.
Viola da braccio
- Por su gran tamaño se ponía en el pecho
- tenía características similares a la viola de gamba.
- Posee 4 cuerdas.
- Se usó en Italia para aludir a las cuerdas frotadas, la cual influenció en la posición en la que se usa la Viola y el Violin en esta era moderna.
- Due to its large size, it was worn on the chest
- It had characteristics similar to the viola da gamba.
- It has 4 strings.
- It was used in Italy to refer to the rubbed strings, which influenced the position in which the Viola and the Violin are used in this modern era.
No queda duda de la extensa trayectoria de la viola, esa extensa historia está llena de muchas sonatas, sonatinas, estudios, conciertos, vidas, anecdotas y chistes. Si, chistes, y muchos chistes.
There is no doubt about the extensive trajectory of the viola, that extensive history is full of many sonatas, sonatinas, studies, concerts, lives, anecdotes and jokes. Yes, jokes, and lots of jokes.
Aqui en Venezuela le llamamos chalequeo. Si, los violistas somos la risa de las orquestas y es una fama que nos precede desde siempre y hasta siempre, les comparto algunos chistes famosos. Si eres músico o no y no entiendes los chistes, en los comentarios los puedo explicar un poco.
Here in Venezuela we call it chalequeo. Yes, we violists are the laugh of the orchestras and it is a fame that precedes us forever and ever, I share some famous jokes. If you are a musician or not and you do not understand the jokes, in the comments I can explain them a bit.
¿En qué se diferencia, en lo exterior, un violín y una viola?
How is a violin different from a viola on the outside?
-En nada. Mucha gente cree que las violas son más grandes, pero esto es una ilusión óptica; lo que sucede en realidad es que los violistas tienen la cabeza más pequeña.
- How are a violin and a viola different on the outside? Many people think that violas are bigger, but this is an optical illusion; what actually happens is that violists have smaller heads.
¿Por qué las partituras de viola están en clave de Do?
Why are viola scores in the key of C?
-Porque así es más difícil saber en qué notas se equivoca.
-Because that way it is more difficult to know in which grades you are wrong.
¿Cual es la diferencia entre una cebolla y una viola?
What is the difference between an onion and a viola?
-Nadie llora al cortar una viola.
-No one cries when cutting a viola.
Muchos músicos sinfónicos y colegas deben reventar de risas por muchas razón.
En mi experiencia como violista, la viola no es un instrumento fácil de tocar, debido a su gran tamaño y la verdad requiere de un esfuerzo significativo para lograr mediante estudios intensos, sacarles una hermoso sonido.
In my experience as a violist, the viola is not an easy instrument to play, due to its large size and it really requires a significant effort to achieve through intense studies, get a beautiful sound out of them.
Many symphonic musicians and colleagues must burst out laughing and for good reason.
Hoy conocimos un poco sobre este instrumento la Viola (mi pasión) instrumento que me ha hecho conocer al mundo y vivir experiencias muy humanas e importantes de clase mundial, es mi instrumento, es mi vida.
Today we learned a little about this instrument the Viola (my passion), an instrument that has made me know the world and live very human and important world-class experiences, it is my instrument, it is my life.
Espero les halla gustado el post del día de hoy. Con mucho cariño para todos mis amigos y colegas músicos de Hive.
I hope you liked today's post. With love to all my friends and fellow musicians at Hive.
Life is music and music is for everyone
Es un instrumento increíble! Siempre me ha parecido interesante, excelente post!
Gracias... Me alegra que te gustó saludos y abrazos!!!
Salu2, amigo se nota tu pasión por ese instrumento, sigue adelante 👍
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