Cover music HIVE Blockchain

in Music2 months ago

Hi HIVE blockchain music...
Hi friends, at this time I will sing the song from a Malaysian singer called Isabella the song was very famous in 1989 and this song was sung by a singer whose name is Amy. so at this time I will sing the song for all my friends hopefully entertained by this song.

lyrics English

Isabella is a love story of two worlds why do we meet but eventually got separated the afternoon is gone swallowed up by the darkness of the night the sun shook off eliminates all stories Imagine and shadows the burning snow, the warmth of the world filled with the radiant colors of love flowers we are complacent until the seasons change she is Isabella the symbol of love that is separated because of different customs my love leaves dryness my life apart from Isabella but I was forced for my love Isabella I hope the door to your heart opens for me a path will unfold if you part Isabella ...

lirik Indonesia.

Isabella adalah kisah cinta dua dunia mengapa kita bertemu tapi akhirnya berpisah sore hari sudah pergi ditelan oleh kegelapan malam matahari bergetar menghilangkan semua cerita Bayangkan dan bayang-bayang salju yang membara, kehangatan dunia yang dipenuhi dengan warna-warna cerah bunga cinta kami berpuas diri sampai musim berganti Dialah Isabella simbol cinta yang dipisahkan karena perbedaan adat istiadat cintaku meninggalkan kekeringan hidupku selain Isabella tapi aku dipaksa untuk cintaku Isabella Saya berharap pintu hati Anda terbuka untuk saya jalan akan terbuka jika Anda berpisah dengan Isabella ...