Finger Picking guitar progress video #2

in Music3 years ago


So it's been about two months since I got my guitar. It is one of the best purchases I have made in years and I'm so happy I did it, it's given me so many hours of fun. It's pretty challenging but it's kind of like figuring out a puzzle and how to combine all the moving parts. If anyone reading this is considering learning an instrument JUST DO IT!!!!

Without further ado, here is the video (1m 38s)

It's slow going but I can feel a lot of improvement and I have moments where I am just zoned out playing. I didn't play as much as usual because I was busy this week and my calluses started to peel off a bit so now I must suffer the pain again, it's good incentive to play regularly.

One aspect I didn't think would be that difficult is singing while playing.

The first time I tried playing this and singing the lyrics NO SOUND came out of my mouth? And as soon as I was able to make a sound my hands got all confused and either played horribly or stopped all together LOL.

In retrospect it kind of makes sense, my left hand is doing one thing, my right is another, thats already a lot to focus on adding singing a different melody on top. I've managed to sing quietly but not that nicely so thats my current challenge!

If you didn't see my recent improv I'll drop it here, it's available as an NFT:

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Had you ever played the guitar before? I play many instruments but for any reason I never progressed much at guitar, so I welcome all resources you find to practise ;-) I still can't do a proper F with the fret and all after this long. Now my pretty guitar has a slit in the neck and hurts my thumb :/ but I still play it. That was simple and pretty (and very even)

My boyfriend has a few guitars that I have fiddled around with (mostly just strumming) but I found them way too big. This one is a 3/4 and is much more comfortable. I also have a small ukelele which I never got too good at tbh lol,

I guess I could say this is the first time I have tried to do a really regimented practice on an instrument! I mostly used youtube tutorials, if you want to learn fingerstyle is probably best to just practice the picking hand all alone until you get the hang of some patterns then add chords in once you get the groove going.

This video for example shows some fun patterns to practice:

Don't get me started on the F barre LOL, I can do it but I have a hard time making all the strings ring out clearly, it feels so awkward but I guess it will come with time. You already have a great musical ability so I'm sure you can pick it up in no time. I often leave the guitar near my desk so every once in a while I will pick it up for five minutes here and there and it's kept me fairly consistent :)

Thanks for the tip... I'll definitely will try to make some exercises, my guitar is so pretty it was my dream guitar and it was gifted to me by one of my rats (really, no joke, that would make an interesting post about how one of my rats won my guitar and was my dream guitar LOL) but I find my hand gets achy if I try to press the entire fret, I remember the position but it usually sounds uneven and some strings wonky hahah :) I layer some of guitar in my music but it's never like something that stands out. My problem is that I have the harp there, and the dulcimer, and the kantele, and the piano... it's difficult to split time among them all LOL XD I play all them a little XD hahah

yeah I know exactly what you mean, I have a million projects I want to do so forcing myself to make time is tricky!

And it is December ... December...? When did it happen? Lol but ready to let 2021 go lol

Yesssssss guitar is the best, arpeggios even better. I fully understand you that you can loose yourself in this. Remember I started with violin when I was young and only manaaaany years later I noticed that I wanted to learn guitar. Which I tried some years ago, but some sad events stopped me from going on, I could not play without starting to cry.
But - and this is the coincidence - I picked her up again two days ago. I forgot everything (so I admire you), but I am so excited to start again. Sorry for writing about myself in a comment to your post - but it makes me happy to hear you play <3<3

PS: I somehow learned about this guitarist/componist kind of crazy-classical, not sure if you perhaps like it too? But is really classical guitar - dont know your taste there :-D
Here you can see him interpret Greensleeve, around minute 1 he starts to improvise and hum along, at 2:20 he speeds up :-DDDDDD

THis is a composition of him which pretends to be from the renaissance, a simple tune which gets faster and complexer and complexer

Ooh i love this medieval style sound :)

Happy to hear you picked up your guitar again, music can be really therapeutic. I was also trying to learn violin and I feel like guitar is so much easier honestly, you have frets at least haha so it's so much easier to play nice sounds as a beginner. Would love to hear you play if you ever feel up tp posting some.

lets talk in a year or so :-DDDD I really did not played for more than two years and I never was good beforehand, self taught arpeggio-loving (thats the reason I love your video, could listen it on repeat).
And other than with dance paint or knit etc, I am strangely shy around music...

This one is definitely a nice melody that I can get lost in, capo on 5th fret, pretty easy chords as well
Am, Em, Dm, not too difficult on the fingers lol

Pretty good for just getting started with finger picking! keep it up 😀

Thanks QUA 😀

What a beautiful and relaxing melody, you are very good with the guitar it reminds me of the Nordic instrumental music that I like so much and I listen to it to relax when I design, I could listen to you play the guitar for hours I love that style of music, I look forward to listening another song played by you are the best, greetings.

Thanks, I often listen to folk style chill music while I'm working too it helps me focus. I look forward to composing my own songs in this style ☺️

and I'll be here waiting to hear you play... =D

I have a huge problem with singing and picking too. Fingerstyle guitar is awesome though. I just started teaching myself again last year. Been focusing mostly on finger style blues. Keep up the good work, it's sounding great!

What I've found has helped so far is playing it very slow (half speed) and singing, or saying the lyrics over the music but monotone (more like speaking) and working up to the singing as that gets more comfortable, is def not easy tho! Makes me have a lot of respect for people who do both.

Wow, I'm impressed and perplexed with the guitar terminologies, but hey you are making progress with that guitar.
Keep it up.

Thanks for checking it out :D

For once I got your youtube notification before I saw the post here LOL

I always wondered if YT ever showed my videos to anyone lol, how are things in SA? Haven't seen you around in a while

I really love the guitar , I also picked up mine this year🤘🏽

Awesome, have fun shredding your fingers!

 3 years ago  

Wow, I like to see you playing! First I should say, I like to see you... 😉

Hihi, you are not the only one , hihi .



 3 years ago  


@ylich(4/10) gave you | wallet | market | tools | connect | <><

Yay thanks!

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