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RE: Piano Progress | Back on it!

in Music4 years ago

Maybe I should be using my headphones... I have an old acoustic piano and an electronic one. Which one I prefer, changes. When they're both on a wooden floor, I prefer the electronic one, but when it's on carpet I prefer the acoustic. The lockdown has been great for playing but I feel kind of the same, like I haven't learned enough, and yeah, probably because I'm a touch typist so I have big expectations.


Funny how you take the floor as a referation to which one you want to play. I haven't thought about it like that at all in that way :)

I have an accoustic one that I ha a silent system let put in, which is awesome. So all of a sudden headphones is an option, but still it is the classical one when you want to! The lockdown was awesome for these type of things indeed.

Are you such a perfectionist when it comes to this? Any videos online? Im curious hehe

On my acoustic piano, I hear the sound coming from under the piano. On the electronic one, it comes through speakers that are angled back at me but there is still some bouncing of the sound off the hardwood. That's lost with the carpet.

I'm not a perfectionist but I have a goal of playing with others which I have done about a 1/2 dozen times now pre-covid. And I want to sing and play together but it was easier to start by separating them so I also sang about 1/2 dozen times in public. There is one video on Facebook of me playing 'The Girl from Ipanema' as my piano teacher sings it in French.

I am going to take a peek and see if I can find it hahahah.

I get you with the carpet situation which is like the max sound absorber. it does make a big difference. So much to think about still to actually get the sound perfect.

For me that phase is still far away and it is more on getting the keys right and actually playing the song right, versus exactly how the sound is. That is for later heheh

Oh, believe me, I'm still trying to hit the right keys too! lol