So calm, so serene, so melodious and so beautiful.
Very often, we prefer to lay emphasis on how wicked and violent the world is. We magnify the wars, the hatred, the difficulties and challenges such that we create no room for peace and serenity that the world offers.
In the same way, when we encounter challenges, issues, frustration and depression, we prefer to wallow in that negative atmosphere rather than being positive.
Your interpretation of this song, should be our response to these challenging and frustrating times.
It is precisely on those days when we should remember how wonderful the world is, turn the page and move forward.
Yes, we should remember how wonderful the world is. We should focus on the beauty it offers us, the happy and smiling faces. We should see reasons to strive, reasons to get better and reasons to experience a Wonderful Day always.
I really enjoyed this piece and I'm glad I listened to every bit of the song.
Much love ❤
The words you leave captured in this message are very beautiful, thank you for adding to this publication by sharing a message of hope and good cheer.
Thank you for your support and words!