Este video fue grabado en su hogar después de estar compartiendo toda la noche
Hola amigos hive, tiempo sin subir contenido por estos lados la verdad estaba muy ocupado con el trabajo, pero extrañé hacer contenido para la comunidad. En esta ocasión les traigo un cover que hice hace unas semanas muy bien acompañado en la guitarra de mi amigo @naradamoon , a quien agradezco mucho por su apoyo para enseñarme acerca de la comunidad de hive.
En esta oportunidad les interpreto el tema Si me ven llorar por ti del gran cantautor Cristian Castro, la compuso muy joven,fue un éxito en balada, también fue grabado en otro género como la salsa que es muy popular la versión grabada por David Pabon , el tema me encanta porque me identifica en problemas de mi pasado y quisiera en algún momento grabarla en una versión de música Venezolana con Arpa cuatro y Maracas , espero les guste y espero estar más activo en la comunidad desde ahora , gracias por escucharme bendiciones.
This video was recorded at his home after sharing the whole night.Hello hive friends, I haven't uploaded content here for a while, I was really busy with work, but I missed making content for the community. This time I bring you a cover that I did a few weeks ago very well accompanied on guitar by my friend @naradamoon, whom I thank a lot for his support to teach me about the hive community.
In this opportunity I interpret the theme Si me ven llorar por ti of the great singer Cristian Castro, he composed it very young, it was a success in ballad, it was also recorded in another genre like salsa which is very popular version recorded by David Pabon, I love the theme because it identifies me in problems of my past and I would like at some point to record it in a version of Venezuelan music with Harp four and Maracas, I hope you like it and I hope to be more active in the community from now, thanks for listening to me blessings.
It is necessary to say no, when one's soul is wounded,
that the love of the two, the one that once was the best,
today hurts me.
It is necessary to say no, when there is no other way out
to avoid the pain, to avoid the resentment
of the love that today ends.
And I'm asking God for a good love to give you his shelter.
And I'm looking for courage, for this goodbye, I don't forget you,
I do not forget you...
And so, I'm left without you, I want to die inside
what will become of me, to live my suffering,
You'll ever know, how much I loved you... if you see me cry for you ....
It's necessary to say no, when there's no other way out
to avoid the pain, to avoid the bitterness
of the love that ends today.
And I'm asking God for a good love to give you his shelter.
And I'm looking for courage, for this goodbye, I don't forget you,
I do not forget you...
And so, I'm left without you, I want to die inside
what will become of me, to live my suffering,
you'll ever know, how much I loved you... if you see me cry for you ....
▶️ 3Speak
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