Every day, all over this beautiful planet of ours, someone takes its first steps in something. In the true sense of the word, but also, first steps in learning some new skills. When an idea is born in the mind of a curious person, it wants to learn something new because it is attracted to that activity. It can be dancing, music, a sporting activity or anything else that one wants to master. Most often, curiosity is the trigger for progress, and it should never die while life lasts. Although we have to admit, children are more curious, there is always a lot ahead of them to master and learn.
I have a dear student who is more than curious. He has a lot of ideas and even more questions. Intelligence is his strong point, more than expressing emotions. Although, when he talks about those things that interest him a lot, his eyes shine. Of course, learning the piano is the main activity for which we share an hour a week, but despite that, we constantly talk a lot in his classes. I just love students like that, when we can find a good connection and common themes. Everything is easier then and more fun. Both for them and for me.
Today, one new student started with the lessons. She was happy and excited to come, and even she is eleven and already watched some youtube tutorials on how to play the theme of Harry Potter (yes, she is a fan of that movie, even her bag was a home-made Harry Potter bag) she was not bothered to start from the very beginning. That means learning notes, theory, all the basis that maybe is not the most interesting part of the learning process. Also, I told her that it is better to start at that point and have a good basis of technique and posture. She agreed with everything. She was so concentrated and her will to learn well was dominant. I see that a new, great connection is here with a student! Her first steps were made very well!
But, let us not just stay with the children. We, not so young children should never stop taking some new steps, right? I know I want to learn a few more, but some of them I will never take. Some will stay as dreams, some will need more courage, and some are not realistic. The other will maybe come true, and there are also those new steps I will take but I don't even have them visualised in my mind. They will come by surprise, as happened with already many things. One day we just realize we are walking on a path we haven't even thought about. We took our first steps in a field that was beyond our imagination. Isn't it just a miracle that the future brings?
In the very near future (these next few days/weeks), some new steps will be taken, such as some joint projects for one song. Yesterday I received material from the person with whom this collaboration will be realized, and I promised to work on my part this weekend. The motivation is here, the ideas are interesting, but I need to work on my music part, on transposing, on recording clips for the video. Oh, I shouldn't say anything more. I want to make my part well, so I will take my time :)
Until then, I am practising other things too. This learning an instrument thing never has a final and perfect stage... there is always something to add and improve. My fingers should not lose speed and skill, so it is important to always play something, although it can be exercises or studies. Yesterday, I found this study, for note repetition in G minor. Composer, Carl Czerny. Come on fingers, work work work!!!!
So, what about you? Do you like to learn new things, to make new steps? What field you are interested in to learn, or improve your skill? Let me know your interests, I will gladly attend the comment section and support your answers :)
▶️ 3Speak
What a beautiful and brilliantly written article! I agree! Even the most experienced musicians have something more to learn. There's always more room for learning and practicing. All the best to you and your Harry Potter-fan student! I am certain she will make great progress and so you will. I play the guitar and I know how much effort and hard work you have to put in a musical instrument if you want it to sound great! Cheers and all the best! :)
Hi @vikthor
Thank you for your kind words, it is great to see there are people reading this. Many things should be improved in this writing, but I am glad the point is recognized by fellow musicians (and not just musicians). I think it should be this way in all professions and hobbies, right? We still have room to learn new things and improve the skills we already have, all of us, and it should never stop.
Hahah, the Harry Potter fan student hopefully will be a good one, yes, (you read all the details 🙌 ) and thank you for your wishes. I appreciate your time for reading this stuff 😅 and taking your time to engage. 🎶🎶
You're most welcome! Best wishes and much success once again! :)
Thanks 😇🎶🎶
You're most welcome! :)
I'm always up for learning new things as stepping out of my comfort zone. Also, well, making mistakes and then getting things right is one of my favorite things to do while I'm having a shot at anything.
About more fields to learn. I think I would have a go at the languages I started but never got to finish learning: German, French, and maybe picking some others up along the way.
I've been doing a lot of work on my strings instruments, but it seems that I have a hard time with this. So, I might stop playing them and focusing in percussion only. Maybe I could get the chance to join a group by playing Maracas. There aren't enough Maracas players in this country.
And in the DIY department, I've always wanted a forge to do some metalwork. So, if I ever get a place where I can set both the woodwork and forge workshops, I think people won't see me in person ever again. I could even end up making my own frets and tuning machines. But that's just talking too much. That may be too difficult for me yet.
I like your way of talking about classes. It almost inspire me to get back into teaching. But falls short.
This 🔝 . Yes, stepping out from the comfort zone, that is the way how we learn. I mean anything in the life, having new experiences, meeting new people and places, being curious... Steps have to be taken into the not known and of course, mistakes are here to teach us in the best way. If we know to recognize them in that "teaching" way and not get unmotivated. It is also connected to emotional intelligence, to react in a certain way to mistakes. How good, I see you are in the right path, actually I would not even have doubts in you @bertrayo and the way how you make your steps into unknown 👏
Languages, perfect. But you know, one can learn a new language if it uses constantly, for a purpose, like living in a place where that language is required. Ok, exception is English, we are all "more or less" fluent in it without a translator or help, of course with mistakes and maybe poor vocabulary, but mostly we can understand each other. Es verdad, no? Y si te hace falta serbio o húngaro, conozco una persona que te puede ayudar jejeje. Alemán o francés, allí no tengo mucho conocimiento.
No, you should not stop playing your mandolin Bri, she would be sad :) But, I suppose also time is needed for everything you do. Consider this: less internet - more time for your real life and learning new things 😅
Ow, I don't know what should I wish you now, to get that place or not, haha, there would be super things coming out from your workshop, but then, what about seeing other people?? It would be a loss for humanity 😇
Should I try harder to inspire? Just let me know, posts will come on that topic if needed :D
Thank you so much @bertrayo for being around, you know that I appreciate a lot your engagement 🤗
Yes, going out of our bubble has its benefits. And we should do it as sparingly as we want. That's if we want to learn things or have new experiences. To live, to put it simple.
About languages, I know a thing o two about how to keep getting a brain fixed on practising and learning them. Of course the idea of having all the time to use is the best way of learning. But I learned English without having to use it all the time. I just had my ways of getting to use it until I started to think in it. And the same holds true for any other. Sí nos entendemos. Y sobre el serio y el húngaro, sospecho que esa persona que me puede ayudar eres tú. 😜
Well, time will tell about it. I have been using my time properly to get into some other things and given Bri some much needed love.
I would still make works for people. Maybe have people over to show them the works or get requests.
I don't think there's any inspiration needed for this. It's been a choice of mine since I got my tittle.
Much appreciated, @mipiano. It is always a thing of beauty to go through any of your posts.
At least, some contact with people would remain :))
Pues la sospecha es acertada, ya sabes :) pero igualmente nos entendemos en español e inglés. También a través del lenguaje musical :) 🎶🎶
Just the bare minimum. :D
Ja, ja, ja. Me lo imaginaba. La música es uno de las idiomas universales. :D
siii :))
I liked your post!
Yes, I agree with you.
Only curiosity, interest, patience, work and the desire to become better leads to success!
And if a person thinks that he is somehow great, then he has stopped in development. It's my opinion.
Oh, you mention patience as well. Yes, exactly, patience is also needed, as there are some more difficult parts of the path, so patience and persistence should not be forgotten! 👏
This is a very nice one, that I was not familiar with. Czerny wrote literally hundreds of them, so no surprise there are a lot that are stil new.
The one sad thing about learning an instrument is that there is no time left for learning another one. Playing the organ takes all my time, and there is still so much to learn for me, no time left to play Czerny...
Posted using Dapplr
Exactly, hundreds of them if not even more :D I am thinking, what he was doing every day... composing a bunch of new studies at daily basis 🤣 more, more, more studies 😅
You are right, playing well one instrument takes a lot of time. If we want to be very good in it, we should focus. But I highly admire people that can be professional in more than one instrument. Though, for the majority of the top notch performers, it is usually one instrument they focus on. That is how it works.
Thanks for your time @primalamusica , I hope your wrist and knee are in perfect condition already, and please, just don't go ice skating this winter 😅
I always enjoy the fact that you engage!
Yes, I think we had that conversation together before, but what I do, is I have a routine to at least "maintain" a certain level of technique. It's something I came up with using the 7 modes (Ionian Dorian Phrygian Lydian Mixolydian Aeolian Locrian), with every time putting an emphasis on each arpeggio in each key, and then playing the respective pentatonic in within the mode, trying to integrate it 😁 while accelerating the tempo from 120 bpm to 185bpm, using
eighth note,
If it doesn't make sense, I will post a video showing my routine. 😁
Now regarding "learning something new", I have a problem doing that, because I prefer trusting old tricks hahaha. It's amazing how you can just play on sight any score, it takes me a while to decipher one, especially I rarely user scores for that matter, sometimes for jazz standards!
Your playing on this one was really on point, perfect and rhythmically accurate!
I am amazed how your are still very passionate about teaching, I have to admit that after few years of doing it now, as I don't really need to give lessons right now for a living, I've stopped giving lesson after the covid and even stopped visiting my students!
Well done for keeping teaching, maybe I should go back to it, it's always so rewarding, especially when it's someone bright and interested in the lesson ^^
Oh by the way let me send you the chords for the song!
Yes, even in my lessons 😅 😇
Well, maybe it was not me you talked to about this, as I don't remember. I would remember, for sure. So you are using the modes, that is nice. When studying, we always used diatonic scales, chords, arpeggios. Also chromatic scales, but there is not so much thing to practice, just the scales in parallel octaves, thirds and sixths.
But it would be great if you make a post about this topic, Ed Privat's method to maintain the technique!! Looking forward to it :)
Hahaha, so you prefer doing things you are already good at and improve them, that is also great. I was thinking about the title of this post: There is always something to improve :D Next time it will be that way 😅. Yes, scores are my good friend, there are things I learn quickly by heart, but for some pieces, that I don't think I would play many times, I skip learning them. Those compositions that require more practising, I end up knowing them by heart after some time. Other things, reading and playing at the same time :D
Teaching. Mixed feelings. I love it, yes, when I have those that want to learn. Also when I connect with the student easily. With those that really don't want to learn, well, that is then more difficult. Who would think haha, nothing new!
Thanks for the chords 😇
It's a lot of things I stole from other people anyway, it should be called The thief method hahah.
Yeah I don't like to either look at scores or lyrics, just to be able to feel the song!
I am sure you have way more patience that I do that's for sure!
No, not a thief method. A summary, it is better ;)
But seriously, why we would not make it? Methods we used to progress, to learn, the steps that made us reach the point where we are now as musicians? Like a real methodology, made exclusively for hive? And additional goals and where we would like to invest our time for learning. Does it even sound interesting?
About patience, yes, I think I have enough of it, to some extent :D
It sounds very interesting. Maybe there is a need also for some curation team that curates music teaching on hive?
It's Saturday night, half past one and we are making plans about music teaching and methodologies. The best ideas came in these hours, seriously 😊
Cheers 🥂 @edprivat and let us consult the idea with the pillow (I don't know if this phrase exists in English, in Spanish it is often used when we take time to think about something)
Haha I didn't wait for you for this! I am all fresh now :)
Wow, what a nice mystery post. Can't wait to read more details on your latest project. But I'm sure you'll post about it extensively once the time is right.
As for learning new things, I can look back on exposing myself to natural building (okay, and conventional construction techniques, such as concrete, which tend to accompany it), as well as bike mechanics. In both areas I am on the lower rungs of the ladder, but know a whole lot more than I used to (which was close to nothing). My latest immersion is making 3D design plans in SketchUp, but I got stalled in that regard, as I still need to install the Windows program on Linux. But since that is something I started learning a few years ago, it's not nearly as daunting a task as it may have been not long ago.
Hey @stortebeker
How great to see you!! I noticed you were a bit quiet ragarding posting about a month ago, but lately it is good to see again the murals, music Mondays and TV posts :))
I was even thinking that maybe you moved back to Europe, to Portugal, you mentioned once back in time.
That is important. To have your own learning curve, your path and your personal improvement is what counts. I could compare myself with some big names in the field of classical music and I would never ever play the piano after that hahaha. But we are trying to beat ourselves and bring better us, that is important.
3D designs, this sounds great.
Oh, Windows on Linux = pain 🤣 I use two laptops, for everything Linux, and where I have the software to record my piano playing - Windows. I want to get rid of both of those, as both are already almost 10 years old, and buy something new and better.
Ok, now I'm really curious...! 🤔
Hahah, that is good. But as you see, I am here, that means I am not practising right now, that further means - even more waiting time is required until achieving the important things 😅
¡Qué genial! Súper buena esta interpretación, maestra. Qué gusto escuchar tus melodías, esas que golpean mi techo, lo rompen y luego suben hasta las estrellas :)
Con tu comentario uno se sienta como en el paraíso :) melodías que golpean tu techo, lo rompen y suben hasta las estrellas. 🙌🙌🙌
Aunque, espero no tener que pagar por la reparación del techo 😁
Un abrazo @elisonr13 🤗
Jajajjajj ¡Págame...!
🤣🤣 bueno, bueno, es lo máximo que puedo pagar :D
jajajjaaj ¡Qué fino! Vale 25 veces más que mi voto, qué éxito...
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Gracias 🎶
Video gave me an error code 232011 and can't playback...
Oh, I see, other 3speak video too giving the same error. It should be ok later, hopefully 😁
P.S. it's working now @orestistrips 👋
Still not unfortunately.
Don't know, it is playing correctly in my place. Anyway, it is just me, in home version playing a piano study not letting my fingers getting lazy ;D
OK, cheers 🙂
Me encantó esta publicación, 🌹🥰 Dios te bendiga mi 💓
SaludosOh, que interesante tema, claro que sí @mipiano, cada día que pasa aprendemos cosas nuevas, y la verdad, hace día estaba pensando y me lo propuse que quiero aprender tocar la guitarra, la verdad, no se de eso, pero hay que proponerse aprender cosas, nuevas, te cuento, que me gusta mucho la repostería, la verdad no tengo curso, pero me propuse hacer esos pasteles, porque es algo que me gusta, y hasta el día de hoy e avanzado y mejorado mi trabajo, es bueno siempre mirar a ver hasta donde podemos llegar,
Si , hay que intentar aprender nuevas cosas, y ves como ha pasado con la reposteria que vas aprendiendo y mejorando, pasaris con la guitarra tambien. Nunca nos tenemos que rendir, tenemos que seguir avanzando. Gracias por leer mi blog
Un saludo igualmente :))Hola @adrianalara
My name is Ibrahim, I'm a German living in Belarus. I would be glad if you visit my profile, I'm trying to write a blog about my medical study in belarus.
Good luck with the blog and welcome to Hive
This is so beautiful!!!!
Thank you @randolpheel1
The curiosity to learn new things should always be in our minds, it can lead us to discover hidden talents that we may not have known we had and that we can exploit. The study you show is undoubtedly complex but I think it helps a lot to improve.
Well, yes, you say well, maybe to discover some new talents. Or simply just improve the skills we already have.
One common thing that happens to musicians, or better said people who teach music or an instrument is that they stop to practice after some years. You achieve your degree, have a job and you are satisfied with that. I have seen many colleagues doing this and after some years it is so difficult to go back to the same level once you had. I know that I played really complex stuff while studying, or just after the university. It is normal, I have almost double in years than at that time, but that doesnt justify anything. Everything comes from the mind, and if we just let it relax too much, well, for too long time, not many good results can be achieved.I mean, relaxing is a good thing, but not using the grey cells can lead to numbness of the same haahaha. You two, with this great talents, never stop improving it, ok? 🤗
Wuao que hermoso suena, y que tan enriquecido articulo. Verdaderamente la musica es infinita, siempre hay algo nuevo por descubrir, y tienes mucha razon, siempre es importante abrir nuestras fronteras y explorar territorios nuevos, me encantó mucho el video, creo que me animaré a hacer uno igual pronto jeje. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🎹🎶🎵
Hola @gabo2
I appreciate your time that you put to read this article and listen to this video. Yes, it is important to open new horizons, and go to explore. Just in this case, if we can open to new ideas, innovation can come. Thanks for stopping by and success with your post :)
that was good, i like it.
You see, you found some music from me :)) Thank you for stopping by @arashthr 🎶