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RE: Liquid Drum & Bass - Nicky Havey - Hasten To Forget

in Music4 years ago

I am so happy you had such a great day, hiking and birdwatching! Cool Nicky, your writing even shines with more optimism. 🌟

Listening to the track as well right now, it sounds cool too! Bright, it flies like the birds you were watching today!

When I stopped looking through the binoculars, it took a couple of seconds to adjust my bearings again as it was like looking through a microscope!


How was your Saturday?

I am pretending not seeing this question 🤣


Thank you Queen of Tiotown! It was actually really nice to have something different to think about and hearing the different birdsongs was perfect! I couldn't tell you what each bird sounds like though haha 🐦

I am pretending not seeing this question

Oh dear, that sounds ominous 😟

I couldn't tell you what each bird sounds like though haha

You will learn to recognize it next time then :)
Have you imagined looking the birds flying on the sky... from space? :D

Space bro, it sounds like reality without wearing the pink glasses 😅

Space birds? Those sound pretty cool! Not sure sound travels too well in space though so I may not be able to hear them haha!

 4 years ago (edited) 

Hahaha, but I said imagine :p
That way you can hear and see whatever you want :)

Have a great Sunday evening Space birdwatcher 😋