TTT on The Spring Equinox

in Musiclast year (edited)

Hello Hive Music Gang!

Welcome to another #threetunetuesday created originally by @ablaze.

Today is the vernal equinox and it means that the days will start to be brighter now, which is a great thing to celebrate. I don't know, but it seems each year, that the winter is getting longer.

Hopefully, that means we can all spend some more time outside enjoying life and the nature. Soon it will be time to open the garden for the season, changing the closet with spring/summer clothes and other maintenance tasks we do for the new season.

This week, I am listening to random tunes, with many thoughts going through my head. Things to get done, daily chores, car maintenance and I have work things in my head. I try to chill and relax with some good tunes.

The first tune is something I quite like. I am not so huge on Milky Chance, but I really like this tune, it is nice and raw with a cool sound and some guitar work.

I remember I was checking out some live performances at Sziget Festival and stumbled across the tune and gave it an add to my favorites. I always wanted to head to Sziget, but sadly didn't make it.

You can watch the documentary to the band and as some fans said about them, I agree, they are making tunes for a good mood!

They are a german group who said they just started uploading their music to youtube for fun. So it goes to show that if you have a passion for something, to just go for it! There are lots of tools and things available to help you now.

The song gives me some of those glorious Sportfreunde Stiller vibes but in the wrong language and makes me want to go to the chillout area. That is a compliment! 😀

Milky Chance - Ego

The next tune is a pretty recent tune that didn't take off when it was released and only started to get attention when it became tiktok'd this year! The power of social media!

I found this quite nice live version and it has a great synth-pop electric guitar sound that I quite like it!

Give it a listen and see what you think.

Djo - End of Beginning

The final tune is a great tune that I heard as some background music to a cool video that I saw. It has some dystopian end of world vibes for me. I love to listen to the tune with some manga scenes.

So I started off with some good mood music and finish up with a not so uplifting tune! That is the random music listening of my week. The time flying by so quickly, that it is hard to keep up with anything, hopefully that will change with the extra daylight from the vernal equinox!

Royksopp – Here She Comes Again

That wraps up my #ttt for this week. I hope you are having a great musical Tuesday. What have you been listening to this week?

For those unfamiliar with TTT or Three Tune Tuesday.... to quote @ablaze :

The jist is as follows
Every Tuesday I'm going to share 3 songs which I like to listen to and I invite your feedback in the comments below. Better still, why not have a blast of your own Three Tune Tuesday and mention me in the post and I'll come and find the post and upvote it. If you could also use #threetunetuesday tag that would be great, as that is what I use when sifting through all the entries every Wednesday. It'll be a sweet way for us all to discover new music. You'll also be in with a chance of winning the prize.

Be sure to head over and give @ablaze some support as without his great work, we wouldn't have a #ttt.

The linked videos are not owned by me, I am sharing just the link to the copyright owner's video. No copyright infringement is intended.
Used under fair-use section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976.

Title image created in canva using image source and clipart used under canva license.


Thank you for sharing this list of remarkable music production
I like the way Royksopp started the song with the instrumental.
Thank you for sharing

Thanks, I'm glad you liked them Royksopp are pretty amazing.

Wow this is a great selection of music, I really like your choice of music.

Thanks, I am glad you like them.

You selected good songs but that second one is top notch
It sounds really nice

Thanks, I am glad that you liked them.

That's a nice selection of songs you share with music lovers, all three sound amazing. Djo - End of Beginning, I loved it. #threetunetuesday @mypathtofire ✌️

Thanks, I'm glad you liked them. The Djo tune is pretty cool I think. 🙂

Milky Chance is a very nice pop for me, I still like it quite a lot, but Royksopp is top-notch. I'll have to listen to them more. Thanks for sharing. 👍

They are pretty cool and seem a great live act.

Nice selection of songs! Believe it or not, I totally forgot that it was the first day of Spring today. Pretty sad that I spent most of it in bed. I guess it makes sense that I saw the first robin of the season the other day.

Thanks, the time is slipping by real fast. I'm pretty glad we have Spring coming now.

I'm not all that familiar with any of them, but I liked all three. This week I haven't really had much time to listen to music, it's been a busy week. Just keeping up with engagement here has been tough.

Thanks for some new music for me anyway. That what I love about TTT!

Glad to bring 3 new tunes. I know what you mean, time is running pretty fast and having time for everything isn't easy.

Strange sounds but quite entertaining 🥰

Thanks, glad you liked them