Wow, do you know that I never saw this coming at all...
I never at all knew that something like this has taken place before
AI can create music that moves people and will become even better in this over time. A great test done years ago, proved this. An AI created a classical arrangement which was brought to the audience by a real live orchestra in the Royal Albert Hall in London. When this piece was played, a team of researches analysing the emotions of the audience and noticed significant human emotional reactions to the music played. And remember, the complete arrangement was created by an AI algorithm.
I only woke up to that thought few days ago and started writing because I was looking at the way AI is rapidly replacing human labor in many aspects of life.
Then, I as a musician now with all sincerity thought that what will happen to music in 10 years time with those few questions...
However, I'm glad you stopped by to share your point of view which has now expanded my knowledge towards this topic.
Thanks @edje for your view🤗
Owww on the front of AI and music, there is so much you can find on the internet. Last year a entire festival was held, dedicated to this topic (
Back in 2019, Warner Music signed up an AI algorithm for a first AI generated record: ... I blogged about this back then 😉
And all that is just the tip of the iceberg. I suggest to spend some time browsing, searching, and reading about AI and music. You'll find some great informaiton out there, from AI electronic tracks to more orchestra's playing AI generated compositions. Added to that, you'll find a lot of debates about the questions you asked in your blog post. It's super interesting.A whole range of services out in the internet with which one can create unique AI generated music. AIVA is on of them, I used to get a unique piece of music to go with my first ever 3Speak video:
On visual art work, the other day an entry in some painting challenge, the winner turned out to be a fully AI generated painting. The artist only informed the award organisation and the world, after the award were handed out. Am pretty sure this will happen in many art forms, AI generated pieces to compete with the 'manual' created art works. Who knows, maybe AI generated pieces will be the winner more often, maybe even the winner all the time.
Recently I was listening to this podcast in which some specialist from the art segment said something in the lines of: Never ever will AI generated artwork be chosen above traditional human made artwork, since the fans want the story behind the art. However, I beg to differ. Will some prefer to know the story behind/around a piece of art, other don't. some artists even state themselves their artworks shall be 100% about the piece itself, not about the story that comes along with it. With AI generated artworks being onpar with human created artwork, we may see too many new pieces being generated, which may dilute the appreciation of the artworks itself. That would be a pity, but it could definitely be an outcome of all of this.