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RE: Music Community on Hive - Join Forces on the Blockchain

in Music5 years ago

Agree with the Slobberchops, engagement is down across the board. I also think the novelty, the hype we had for a few months is gone. Though reward distribution is a little better now, nothing really changed to our previous 'world'. But let us not fall into the trap of trying to figure why HIVE is what HIVE is. Working together between communities is definitely something we shall try. Uwe, as proposed some time ago, we can think of challenges that brings in other communities. Maybe we shall create versions that let the contestant go to some other community to figure something out to get to the answer. Something simple, but get the users to do something and move around the communities we like them to move around in.

Another way of increasing engagement is through comment voting. I think at least. Votes must be good though, and given to comments that adds value.

What helps tremendously, is to write comments to some other peoples post; From many of them I receive responses. This activity takes time, a lot of time in comparison with rewards and all (which are usually zero :)): Reading the post and when it contains music, listening the song/track; Then write some genuine comment which entices the users (and others) to respond and maybe even try and continue the conversation by linking in questions and all.

Yesterday I noticed I'm kinda at the bottom of the Engagement League list of abh12345, but my comment length is out-of-range. 16k characters across 20 comments, resulting in an average of about 800 characters per comment, which is about 4 Tweets. Guess that may help to get some reaction from somebody :)


Yes man - we have to check again what can be done at least on this small music front - i have a bit time in August it seems so let us have a call - maybe we find pandoras box.

Sure, lets have a call indeed! :)