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RE: Music as part of therapy for depression (Personal story) [Eng | Spa]

in Music3 years ago

Going thorugh this post has reaally inspired me...
Am just curious to know, what kind of music can i listen to if am in a depressed state due to loss of someone close???


Puff Daddy & Faith Evans - I'll Be Missing You
I think it is about embracing the loss and remembering all the wonderful moments we lived and experienced with the individual and make sure to live our best lives for those individuals. I also like this particular song as it has a more upbeat tone to it despite that painful feeling of loss.

Miss them, but don't let it consume you. You deserve to be happy and the person close to you would want you to be happy living your best life. We hurt because the love and connection was that deep. But we can choose empowerment vs sadness... I think that is truly the best we can do to honor those that we lost.

My heart will go on by celine deon is a pretty good one also.
Have a slice of !PIZZA and know that the little slices of joy we have in life we must cling to as we navigate this road of life.

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Any music you can feel it helps. Maybe some songs that person holded close to its hearth while living, loss is a hard thing and sometimes listening the favorite music of someone you loss can help, Big hug for you, who do you lose?

I actually lost a close pal even closer than a brother.... i know he used to love some tracks and each time i play them it reminds me of him

Then remember him at his finest, his best moments and his positive friendship on you :)

Hmmmm.... true words
Thanks a bunch pal