On the video here I cover An Indonesian pop song's from Budi Doremi "Melukis Senja". This song is a new single from him.
Here is the lyrics of the song...
Aku mengerti
Perjalanan hidup yang kini kau lalui
Ku berharap
Meski berat, kau tak merasa sendiri
I understand the journey of life that you are now going through
I hope even though it's hard
You don't feel alone
Kau telah berjuang
Menaklukkan hari-harimu yang tak mudah
Biar ku menemanimu
Membasuh lelahmu
You have struggled
Conquering your days is not easy
Let me accompany you
Wash away your tired
Izinkan kulukis senja
Mengukir namamu di sana
Mendengar kamu bercerita
Menangis, tertawa
Let me paint the twilight
Engrave your name there
Heard you tell a story
Crying, laughing
Biar kulukis malam
Bawa kamu bintang-bintang
'Tuk temanimu yang terluka
Hingga kau bahagia
Let me paint the night
Bring you the stars
For accompany you that injured
Until you are happy
Aku di sini
Walau letih, coba lagi, jangan berhenti
Ku berharap
Meski berat, kau tak merasa sendiri
I am here even if tired
Try again don't stop
I hope even though it's hard
You don't feel alone
Kau telah berjuang
Menaklukkan hari-harimu yang tak indah
Biar ku menemanimu
Membasuh lelahmu
You have struggled
Conquering your days is not easy
Let me accompany you
Wash away your tired
Izinkan kulukis senja
Mengukir namamu di sana
Mendengar kamu bercerita
Menangis, tertawa
Let me paint the twilight
Engrave your name there
Heard you tell a story
Crying, laughing
Biar kulukis malam
Bawa kamu bintang-bintang
'Tuk temanimu yang terluka
Hingga kau bahagia...
Let me paint the night
Bring you the stars
For accompany you that injured
Until you are happy
▶️ 3Speak