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RE: Three Tune Tuesday : Station to Station

in Music2 years ago

I assume he dabbled, but I don't think he was the guy attempting to foster in Satan...I don't know, but it's good click bait.

I really didn't discover Bowie until college, but wow, buying all his albums on CD back in the day, wowsa. What a catalog. This album, for whatever reason, I didn't get until COVID. It's a great album


That's quite a haul in one go.

I learned about Bowie through my mom, she had mixed feelings about him. She appreciated him as a musician, but was never a fan of his music, so I think I was influenced subconsciously by that lol. I did however warm to him later on.

This album of his I've never listened to until your post, new music is always good in my book.

Next week I was going to share some of his Low tracks that I also have on vinyl. That might be migh favorite of his of all time.