Bushman’s Revenge - I have never heard, but this remarkable guitar improvisation needs more research (read: more listening). They remind me of instrumental passages by Bill Frisell.
Orchestra Baobab - great world music sounds, I watch them seven years ago, Okarina festival, Bled.
I know Royale Street Orchestra; Božo Vrećo is the king of Sevdah (traditional Bosnian music).
Jazzrausch Bigband - Plays Anton Bruckner - Do they want to popularize the classics or something? Sounds very festive.
Söhne Mannheims, Avishai Cohen, what do I know, something average...
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Avisha Cohen v povprečju mu to verjetno ne bo preveč všeč. Ali bo to še vedno delovalo pod pogoji nastopa v MKNŽ? Rahlo dvomim.😊
Zelo dvomim da bi nastopal v takšnem placu. Če pa že bi (kar se mi še vedno zdi nemogoče), bi ga z veseljem šel pogledat in posnet :)
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