Desde que tengo uso de razón siempre me ha gustado cantar, he amado la música, a pesar de nunca la estudié como carrera, siempre he cantado lo que me sale, sin técnica ni nada, pero a mis 32 años no pierdo la fe de que pueda más adelante aprender herramientas, técnicas, la teoría y el solfeo.
Since I can remember I have always liked to sing, I have loved music, even though I never studied it as a career, I have always sung what I get, without technique or anything, but at 32 years old I do not lose faith that later can learn tools, techniques, theory and music theory.
Cuando era pequeña cantaba en los coros de mis iglesias, luego participaba en karaokes y ganaba incluso a veces, más adelante entré al grupo de voces del Banco de Venezuela, pues de paso, trabajaba allí e incluso participé en un Festival de Voces BDV, que aunque no gané, la pasé de maravilla, fue una experiencia inolvidable, conocí gente hermosa e increíble.
When I was little I sang in the choirs of my churches, later I participated in karaoke and even won sometimes, later I joined the group of voices of the Bank of Venezuela, because by the way, I worked there and even participated in a BDV Voices Festival, which Although I did not win, I had a wonderful time, it was an unforgettable experience, I met beautiful and incredible people.
Asimismo, durante mi época universitaria, estuve en la Coral UCSAR (Universidad Católica Santa Rosa), fue tan divertido y aprendí con ellos tantas cosas, estuvimos en varios lugares, nos hicimos una familia más que un equipo.
Also, during my college days, I was at the UCSAR Coral (Santa Rosa Catholic University), it was so much fun and I learned so many things with them, we were in various places, we became a family rather than a team.
Hubo un tiempo en el que quise cantar con Mariachis o por lo menos quería cantar con agrupaciones de esas que animan las fiestas con merengues, salsas, baladas y demás, pero esa oportunidad aún no la he conseguido.
There was a time when I wanted to sing with Mariachis or at least I wanted to sing with groups of those that animate the parties with meringues, sauces, ballads and others, but I have not gotten that opportunity yet.
Entra a este link y mira mi vídeo cantando "Te dejo en Libertad" de HaAsh / Enter this link and watch my video singing "Te dejo en Libertad" by HaAsh