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RE: Music by my parents

in Music2 months ago

I guess my parents had some influence on my music taste. I had my mum's singles and record player when I was fairly young, so I heard Elvis, Everly Brothers and more. I didn't really get into music until my mid-teens and then I found my own things. We have been much more into music and our kids may have picked up on some of that. Daughter has been to some gigs with us and we've been to see some bands she likes. Music can be timeless and span generations.


Awesome :) Elvis and Everly brothers are great. Funny is that I discovered them later and not so really from our family :). Music can absolutely span generations, like with your daughter, it's the same with my youngest :) In fact, 15th of february we are going to see Kingfish together, a american Blues guitarist.. Looking forward to that.

We helped our daughter appreciate Bowie. If it wasn't for her then I wouldn't be so aware of Sleep Token.