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RE: A song with a very deep meaning and a personal post - Miss Günnie T. & Raven feat. Jaydine - Humanity

in Music3 years ago (edited)

Wow, You've been through some shit! I am glad that you were able to come back from what you went through, I know it must have been a really hard thing.
I remember when I was young I got picked on a lot too. The thing is it wasn't because I was bisexual but because I was too sexual. The funny thing is I wasn't really that sexual, instead I was pretty with really long hair and boys were attracted to me. If I hung with the boys, I was called a whore and if I hung with the girls they just wanted to talk about the boys. I just felt more comfortable with the boys so people always thought that I must be sleeping with all of them when none of them wasn't even my boyfriend. enough about me.

I wish that people would just learn to respect each other & realize that we are not all alike, that's what's make us individuals. I have children & grandchildren who are bisexual or have gone through a phase in their lives where they experimented with same sex friends. I never looked at them any differently, I loved them for who they are & if they want a same sex partner that's their choice.

Everyone has a right to their choice no matter their age, color, sex, ethnicity, or whatever. But there will always be some people in this world that will never respect & love others for who they are.

I hope you have raised above all that now for you are on a higher path in your life & you got it going on. Stay strong and most of all 'BE YOU!'


Also, about the song, I like that, the vocals could have be a little clearer and the background was low like you said but still not bad.

Also how can I find any other music you have out or is all your stuff with Miss Gunnie?


Hey! Thanks for also telling me your story. I am sorry that you experienced something similar.. The world is full of intolerant people, but I just believe in the better, that´s why I will continue fighting for this.
Yeah at some days it´s really hard to keep my head up, I am not good at this. But I will always try to stand up again and continue.
Thanks for your kind words!! <3

You can find all of my music here: Or also on youtube:

Yes, if there were only more people in the world like us to outpower the ugliness.

Thanks, I like what I've heard so far so I will be listening to more. I have even added the couple I found on iTunes to my library.

Oh yes! The world needs more of this...
All we can do is be true to ourselves and stand to our word an be tolerant.. If people like it or not.

Oh thanks alot! =) Happy that you like it!