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RE: New Meditation Album out now! Open All 7 Chakras

in Music2 years ago

I can't really give an opinion on this as I have never listened to a lot of meditation music or even understand what this chakra thing is all about. I did try listening to various parts though and it's not for me. I hope someone who knows more about meditation music can give you a good review.



That´s alright. :) It´s not for everyone. It helps me alot to calm down. That´s why I listen to this kind of music very often and also produce it myself.
Thanks alot for listening to parts of it anyways!! :) I appreciate it!

Yeah, I never gotten into meditation, so I guess that's why. It was different than any meditation music I ever heard though.
You know I will at least give a listen to anything you put out, even if it's not my cup of tea.
You are most welcome!


Yeah it´s not easy to get into meditation really.. I am still struggeling often but experienced that it really helps me.
Thanks so much! I appreciate this alot! !PIZZA !LUV