Hey - thanks so much for listening!
So it's not really the sound of the cocktail stirrer. But the cocktail stirrer hitting and scraping along the contact mic is used to create voltages that are then used in the sound creation. The most obvious one is hitting it creating a gate which triggers the start of the gong sound. The more subtle stuff is around scraping it over the contact mic with different intensities - which creates envelopes - essentially voltages that change over time - which are used to change other things in the patch.
Yeah ok so I'm pretty nerdy :)
Thanks for the curation!
Thanks for clarifying. There are few terms that I am reading for the first time. But that's okay, as long as I like the output being generated, I will leave the nerdy things to you. 😁
Haha ok - yes at the end of the day if we like the sound then it's good.
Ps. there is plenty I don't understand about modular too!