thetimminator cross-posted this post in Music 4 years ago

Eskimo Callboy - Monsieur Moustache (MMXX) guitar playthrough

in Guitar4 years ago (edited)

I discovered this band only recently when they had released their single 'Hypa Hypa' , which I believe many have heard/seen.

If not, definitely check out that video :

It has a high New Kids level with mullets, 80s neon and stuff and the song basically sticks in your head afterwards.

My kids really like this song too haha.

I recorded a playthrough of the song Monsieur Moustache from the ep MMXX.
The amp sim that I used was the SuperDuper amp from ML Sound Lab.


These are the settings I used. The IR response that I used was the one that came with the amp.
The song is not difficult but really fun to play.

The song is played in Drop C.

Enjoy it and feedback is always welcome.