"Arise O Compatriots, Nigeria's call obey" Himno Nigeria - Arreglo para guitarra electrica [ESP/ENG]

in Music10 months ago

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Hola amigos de HIVE! Este es un video dedicado a mi amigo y gran músico @jesus-son. No tengo palabras para describir lo increíble que es el como músico la verdad, es muy profesional con el trabajo que hace y honestamente se merece nuestra admiración. Bien hecho hermano.

En mi última publicación @jesus-son me comentaba que le gustaría escuchar mi guitarra solamente y es por ello que decidí preparar esta humilde versión del himno de su país Nigeria, el cuál se titula "Arise O Compatriots, Nigeria's call obey".

Hello friends of HIVE! This is a video dedicated to my friend and great musician @jesus-son. I have no words to describe how amazing he is as a musician, he is very professional with the work he does and honestly deserves our admiration. Well done brother.

In my last post @jesus-son told me that he would like to listen to my guitar only and that's why I decided to prepare this humble version of the anthem of his country Nigeria, which is titled "Arise O Compatriots, Nigeria's call obey".

Es una melodía muy bella realmente y al tocarlo siento algo de paz. Nunca lo había escuchado y pienso fue buena idea conocerlo ya que es un tema muy rico en lo que a armonía musical se refiere.

Tuve que descargar algunas partituras para poder tener una mejor aproximación al tema y escucharlo varias veces me permitió introducir algunas ideas. La primera guitarra la grabé con la distorsión habitual utilizando el micrófono del mástil como suelo hacer y aparte grabé una segunda guitarra para armonizar la melodía, está última con el micrófono del puente. Para la grabación me apoyé escuchando un metrónomo. Espero sea de tu agrado hermano, estoy consciente que mis equipos de música y mi sonido no es el más profesional pero lo hice con mucho cariño y empeño.

Me despido no sin antes desearles éxitos a todos!

It is a very beautiful melody really and when I play it I feel some peace. I had never heard it before and I think it was a good idea to get to know it as it is a very rich theme as far as musical harmony is concerned.

I had to download some sheet music to be able to have a better approach to the theme and listening to it several times allowed me to introduce some ideas. The first guitar I recorded with the usual distortion using the neck microphone as I usually do and I recorded a second guitar to harmonize the melody, the latter with the bridge microphone. For the recording I listened to a metronome. I hope you like it brother, I am aware that my music equipment and my sound is not the most professional but I did it with love and effort.

I say goodbye but not before wishing you all success!

Imagen de la bandera de Nigeria con el logo de HIVE

Vídeo editado con Capcut.
Imagen de miniatura propia editada con LogoMaker.
Texto traducido al inglés con Deelp

Image of the Nigerian flag with the HIVE logo

Video edited with Capcut.
Own thumbnail image edited with LogoMaker.
Text translated to english with Deelp


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Wao wao wao!!!!! This is just incredible
I am short of words to express the state of my heart. I am most thrilled to have you accord such great honour to me.
Brooooooh! You are a guitar God, with this, I had a full doze of your ability on the guitar.
I enjoyed this to the fullest and I am really grateful you did this.
It's so perfect bro, bravoooooo!
@afri-tunes have to see this

It is a pleasure for me to share your music brother. You are a great musician and you have my respect and admiration. Greetings to all your brothers in Nigeria

Thanks so much man
It's a pleasure for us too
Greetings from Nigeria

It's so nice of you to play the Nigerian's National Anthem in such a unique and melodious way

Curated by @ksam

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Thank you for your support brothers, I did not expect it. It was certainly a nice experience, God bless you!

Que grande hermano dominando tu intrumento, felicitaciones, como dices son temas que dan mucho gusto conocer. Un Saludo y bendiciones 🤝👏👏

Muchas gracias por tu comentario amigo. Muchas bendiciones para ti.

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