[ESP/ENG] A goldy Venezuelan classic: "Moliendo café" by Hugo Blanco ~ Cover by @tomasito

in Music3 years ago



Buenas noches mis estimados amigos de esta bella comunidad. Como siempre, les saluda y les escribe su servidor @tomasito deseándoles una feliz noche. Para esta oportunidad quiero presentarles un hermoso tema Venezolano, del composior Hugo Blanco, titulado "Moliendo café". Esta pieza es casi un himno para todos los Venezolanos, especialmente los músicos en general pues su hermosa melodía es a menudo interpretada en orquesta, instrumentos musicales y como en esta oportunidad: a voz & cuatro venezolano. Espero les guste mi interpretación y sería hasta la próxima hermanos. Un saludo y buenas noche a todos.

Good evening my dear friends of this beautiful community. As always, he greets you and writes your server @tomasito wishing you a happy night. For this opportunity I want to present you a beautiful Venezuelan song, by the composer Hugo Blanco, entitled "Moliendo café". This piece is almost an anthem for all Venezuelans, especially musicians in general, since its beautiful melody is often performed in an orchestra, musical instruments and as on this occasion: a Venezuelan voice & cuatro. I hope you like my interpretation and it would be until the next brothers. Greetings and good night to all.



Cuando la tarde languidece renacen las sombras,
y la quietud de los cafetales parece decir,
es la triste canción de amor de una vieja molienda
que no en el letargo de la noche parece decir (bis).

Una pena de amor una tristeza,lleva el zambo
Manuel en su amargura,
pasa las noches enteras moliendo café.

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Amo cuando veo nuestra música venezolana engalanando a la blockchain. ¡Gracias por traer este tema icono!

Te deseo mucho éxito en este camino musical.

Gracias por su comentario amiga. Un saludo.

I really enjoyed your performance, it made me feel like I was in South America!
I looked up the lyrics for an English translation:

Grinding coffee

When the evening fades, the shadows are reborn
And in the silence the plantations again hear
the sad love song of the old mill
which in the silence of the night seems to say:

Some kind of heartbreak, some kind of sadness,
carries the sambo* Manuel in his bitterness.
He tirelessly works throughout the night grinding coffee.

When the evening fades, the shadows are reborn
And in the silence the plantations again hear
this sad love song of the old mill
which in the silence of the night seems to say:

Some kind of heartbreak, some kind of sadness,
carries the sambo Manuel in his bitterness.
He tirelessly works throughout the night grinding coffee