Hard Trance - you remember this music tag?

in Music18 hours ago

Unser guter @andyjaypowell hat diesen Tag - also #MondayTrance quasi ins Leben gerufen - leider findet zuwenig Electronic Music statt auf Hive, egal in welcher Music Community - aber ab un dan muss ich dochmal was dazu schreiben - Hard Trance Acid oder wie auch immer man es definieren mag - enjoy or hate it - geile Sounds aus Frankreich / Italien und Deutschland

Trance sounds are under represented here

A natural thing probably - on Hive we have awesome creators and musicians, singers - no matter if they can sing or perform, always was higher appreciated as DJ work given many artists do not see that as music - I have a different opionion as I know the industry a bit and am aware how hard it is to mix and to play / perform at events to get crowds moving - it is like lobbying for something by showing skills - it is not singing or playing a guitar but it adds value to certain crowds. Either you love it or hate it.

I am not here to educate people about the world and how to behave - I try that as well when i see need - but my main area here on Hive is to try spreading positive news, if possible support music addicts and good content creators - i started with my music stuff and photography contests over 8 years ago - stopped a lot due to time constraints but I will not give up this Hive community and hope to help a little bit to drive engagement within my small area.

Starting with a "strange" track (even to me) as of the naming

Chainsaw / Kettensäge, produced back in 2001 in Germany - anyone knows DJ Shredda? Not talking here just playing - still curious on feedback

Megamind in da mix

I love that track a lot - a mix by Picotto - production from 1999 in Italy (even the song name is "German"!

Asys - Merci France

Awesome acid track from France - produced inb 2001

Another from my own origin (produced in 1998)

Anyone likes that apart from @andyjaypowell and maybe @edje (who is more into different Techno) and maybe @mammasitta or @beatminister @stayoutoftherz - unfortunately we lost other DJs here such as @nickyhavey but we keep going with other music genres.

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Noch mehr Spice:


Nice, sowas hört man heute kaum mehr :)
