Why I love(d) Hive / Steemit (Part 1) - why I stayed and started here - as of guys like Kevin and Music

in Music9 months ago (edited)

Eine kleine Serie, wie und warum ich auf dieser Blockchain gelandet bin im Jahre 2016

...und warum ich überhaupt noch immer hier bin unabhängig diverser Widerstände, ich bleibe hier - ich fange mal an mit Musik

Not a post about Sven Väth - but a bit about Keving Wong

Starting a series why I am here, how it started and what I bleived and tried (just part one).

Apart from the great guys in Germany that welcomed me on Steemit at that time and helped me to understand blockchain and this new thing, there been some other guys that made me stay and made my thrilled by the potential of the blockchain as such. One was @steevc who brang me over from a different platform called "tsu" - the other one who i had frequent contact early days (sure he might not even remember me) was @kevinwong. He was one of the few that wanted to support my naive ideas on music on this blockchain back in 2016 - I thought we could create mix parties on the chain with certain live things which were a bit too much for this new concept (still is). My first DanceWeekend parties where I mixed and encouraged other user to show their tracks still been one of my killer experiences why I fell in love with that blockchain community.

So Kevin was one of the reasons I created my music community here as well (did some on web 2 platform) and even he left and came back and we have no deep relation / contact I aprreciate him for being helpful, he used to be a big whales, a witness but is for sure someone you have to folloow, he knows blockchain, he knows business and he is nice - we should have more of these folks here on Hive - sadly too many good creators were driven away.

Am proud about my music community that is still driven by lovely folks from around the world

Appreciate all you do for the chain and the community - it is a hard time these in crypto but your loyality strikes me every day - no matter if i should be crying you guys lift me up. I hope music as building bridges will reflect also on others here instead of destorying bridges between cultures and different opinions. I will fight for this as long as I can. Many thanks to my fellow music guys driving the community such as @ylich @eugelys @edwardstobia and the music folks that always inspired by their lovely attitude and a brilliant taste of sounds such as @mammasitta and @edje - the guys tagged will get their won part of the series soon not only around music.

Watch out for the next part around music here and my story in general - it might become a bible :-)


@kevinwong is a legend. Was a honour to have breakfest with him and with @nanzo-scoop

Thanks man - @nanzo-scoop was a killer in sports as well - remind me of the other guy in the photo - think he was a key witness and driver of the chain during the good days, right?

@lukestokes you mean. All classy guys, compared to the new cowboys in Mavs, lol.

Yes a great guy - do you remember the time? The good times where this chain and its DApps was/were appreciated as innovative? Miss you @lukestokes

Great times indeed. I’ve been enjoying time with my family.

That is the best you should do indeed!

I see so much potential for music and musicians on Hive. They get ripped off on other platforms. We just need a big enough audience to tempt them, but there are a few pioneers.


True, the chain would be ready for this but I think the organization / regulation is not helping that much on the inside but not losing my hope!

 9 months ago  

That's right my friend. On Hive besides seeing a great mountain of talent, it is also a great window for those who want to take their art to another level.

While on other platforms musicians as you say and as we know, are ripped off, here they are the owners of their assets. Particularly Hive has been for me a great musical university. Here was so much commitment to learn and give the best of me, that I managed not only to improve personally, but artistically.

Working in this community has been a privilege and I really appreciate the great teamwork we have achieved.
We have been able to work together.

Glad to read that amigo - many thanks to you as well for driving the community.

 9 months ago  

The community idea was great and still is. What we need is to grow and attract higher level musicians. The electronic music part also needs to be reactivated, which was one of your first wishes.

But something that is fundamental is that we do it together. Because there are always people who have good initiatives, but they want to do it alone, they do not want to support other projects and they do not want the support of others.

I think we still lack a lot of vision of what Hive can be, and that is why selfishness continues to prevail.

I hope we can continue to grow and overcome these obstacles!

Fingers crossed mein Freund

Kevin had some great influence. I guess he got me to 'talk' about music on-chain, mostly in blogs as you know. It is great you are still here even though some peeps hunting you all the time. Still remember the few times we met in real life. Short but still good. I guess you were the first I met in real life, after Mammasitta, but I met here before I joined Steemit.

Thanks dude - was awesome too meet you in Amsterdam or was it Eindhoven? Not many I met in real life apart from @detlev (also way before Steemit) and my buddies @alexvan @twinner in the frequent Munich meetups back in the days :-).

Still here kind of and do not care that much about my hunters, they have other problems it seems :-) - Hope you well @edje

hunters may become the hunted, who knows 😆
last year I travelled to Krakow to meet peeps from HIVE. which was a quite nice get-together.
in April will go to Hamburg for some hive meetups.
quite funny, never been to one of those in my country and within half a year or so, travelling to these events. well, I suppose the Hamburg one is to join in with a friend.
doing quite well, thanks for asking. how about you?

Ich hab hier mittlerweile meinen dritten Account und folge dir schon seit meinem ersten Versuch auf Steemit, Danceweekend & der Monday Rave (oder so ähnlich) haben damals gute Inspiration geliefert um Content zu kreieren.

Mit meinem letzten Account (musicuniversity) haben wir uns ja auch schon öfter über Musik hier auf Hive ausgetauscht. Die Brand hab ich allerdings eingestampft, daher musste nochmal ein Restart her :)

Hab immer mal wieder Ideen, mehr auf Hive zu machen. Gerade so grossartige Sachen wie deine Music-Community sind für Einsteiger eigentlich eine gute Basis. Was mich primär davon abhält sind drei Dinge:

  1. Die Musiker, die ich bisher bewegt habe, hierher zu kommen, gehen oft sehr schnell wieder, weil es für nicht-technik-affine Menschen doch alles noch zu kompliziert ist - das fängt oft schon bei der Registrierung an.

  2. Die einst sehr starke DACH Community scheint gefühlt nicht mehr vorhanden zu sein. Und ohne den verbliebenen zu nahe treten zu wollen, erscheint der verbliebene deutsche Content doch ziemlich belanglos (mit wenigen sehr wertvollen Ausnahmen). Wodurch du als Neueinsteiger fast gezwungen bist, auf englisch zu bloggen - was einerseits sehr erfolgreich sein kann (genügend Künstler machen das ja vor) - andererseits aber die nächste Hürde darstellt.

  3. Und was mir am ehesten aufstösst derzeit, sind völlig random und grundlos passierende Downvotes (hattest du auf deinen letzten Posts ja auch teilweise) - erklär das mal einem Einsteiger, der sich wie ein Kind über ein 5$ Beitrag freut, der dann aus dem Nichts platt gemacht wird.

Obendrein kommen dann noch die Leute, die Spam-artig Bullshit-Content posten, nur um möglichst viel Profit zu ziehen - was scheinbar auch viel zu gut funktioniert.

Alles so Dinge, die mich davon abhalten, hier mehr zu tun. Habe aber auch n och die Hoffnung, das da mehr möglich ist.

Besonders, da es derzeit einen Trend zu geben scheint, der die Menschen weg von klassischem Social Media, hin zu echten Communitys führt. Das könnte der Sache vielleicht einen neuen Schub geben, da bin ich dann auch gerne Vorreiter.

Dafür muss die Basis allerdings stimmen - der Fisch stinkt ja bekanntlich vom Kopf weg ;)

Super Frank, danke - ich muss dir in vielen Punkten zustimmen, ob chance besteht ich kann es nicht beurteilen, vor paar Jahren hätten ich uneingeschränkt ja gesagt, inzwischen bin ich sehr ernüchtert. Aber noch gebe ich nicht auf

Hey @uwelang, here is a little bit of BEER from @steevc for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that <a href='https://dcity.io/cityyou can use BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.

Anyone remember my first Danceweekend posts with these guys from The Netherlands and Ibiza? I had the impression Ned Scott and Dan Larimer been involved - good ole days

Such good music.

I already feel the downvote hate incoming, from these blaster-masters of this chain.

2024 will be differnet. Be prepared.

Oh, those TSU days! So many of us would not be here without your encouragement!