Last night we attended another great concert by Marcus King. Together with my youngest son, my brother and my brother's brother-in-law we went to the concert in the Afas Live theater. This is a medium-sized venue but, compared to the Marcus King concerts we have been to before, a huge upgrade.
There was a friendly atmosphere, I noticed that there was a huge variety in people. Old rockers, young people of all kinds were walking around. That shows that his audience is growing and that is good, because he has really great music that should be listened to by many more people. In my opinion he deserves it.
We have seen him, my brother, my son and I, 3 times in the past 4 years. Every time it was different, not a repeat of a show. We have also experienced that differently with other bands, often the same routines for a number of tours. But Marcus made it all true again with his fantastic band.
Of course a T-shirt could not be missed. I do have a good tactic (at least that is what the past concerts show). I buy a T-shirt at the merchandise stand before the concert, then it is generally quiet. After the concert everyone is full of the evening and go en masse to buy merchandise, and then there are always long queues.
During the concert he came back twice with just his acoustic guitar. I didn't know the songs, at least not directly, but they sounded great.
Compared to the previous concerts he had a different bass player. I don't know him but he is a great musician. In King's music there is a lot of room for beautiful bass lines or pounding bass.
All in all another beautiful memory made!!
On to the next one,
Take care,
That's awesome. I love Marcus King. He is one of those artists that I would really love a chance to see live sometime. I think he usually plays smaller venues around here too.
Oh really, I thought he would play the bigger in the states :)
the first time a ran into him was on YouTube:
That's a great song and I think it's probably one of the first ones that drew me to him as well. I think he usually does theaters around here versus stadiums. Some of them can be big, but not overly so.
Well, If you get the chance, go see him. You won't regret it :) He is just amazing...