Thanks you are very right and I will continue to post when I have time, I am not quitting by any means.
Yes I would love to plant more trees on the swales, since the land is not really mine I have been a little slow on harder wood trees for 2 reasons, one it would be sad if they are cut down one day and 2 the work of someone having to remove the stumps also. But I am slowly moving more in that direction. There is already some Neem trees coming up around the land. I will also plant some moringa as it is fast growing and a nitrogen fixer it will help with being able to throw some rich green mulch down. My pawpaws are the real survivors and they will continue to flourish. I have planted some dwarf pawpaws in my seed bed which I will transplant around.
Wonderful, bro. Good to know! Wish success in your harvest!