pumpkinsandcats cross-posted this post in Garden 4 years ago

🍅🍅🍅 Creating A New No Dig Tomato Bed 🍅🍅🍅

in Agricultural Mindset4 years ago (edited)

WhatsApp Image 2021-06-03 at 19.59.16.jpeg

My partner has been busy over the last few weeks setting up a new Tomato bed in his Garden for this year's crop. He follows the no-dig methodology with growing and is very passionate about it.

In a future post, I shall be documenting his allotment so watch this space!

In the meantime, I will explain how he created this new growing area for the 2021 Tomato Crop and hopefully a bountiful harvest. There are 3 varieties of Tomato Mountain Magic, Alicante and Crimson Crush.

Step 1 - Lay down cardboard to suppress the weeds and grass. Then you need to soak the cardboard to stop it from blowing away.


Step 2 - Cover the cardboard with lovely homemade compost however if you don't have any homemade compost shop-bought will do.


Cover the compost with weed membrane and cut holes in where you would like each tomato plant to go. These are about a foot apart.


Step 3 - Assemble the Bamboo Frames. The bamboo canes are set into an A shape with another cane of bamboo going across the top.


Then add a string to the cross bamboo cane leading down to each hole where a tomato will go.


Step 4 - Plant the Tomatoes into the ground.

As you can see there are a lot of Tomatoes waiting to go into the ground this year there are around 80 - 100 Tomato Plants going in between the Garden and the Allotment. That's a lot of Tomatoes to eat!


Tip the tomato out of the cup, careful not to snap it!


And into the ground, he goes. The hole each Tomatoe has gone into has gone through the cardboard and into the earth beneath.

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As you can see we've got about halfway through currently.

WhatsApp Image 2021-06-01 at 16.36.12.jpeg

This was taken a few days late - nearly finished!

I will keep you posted on these Tomatoes as they grow = D
WhatsApp Image 2021-06-03 at 19.59.15.jpeg